(Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer) (Based on, If Any) Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed) Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date) Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number EXT. ANY STREET IN NYC - DAY DELILAH DALI, a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties better known as DEEDEE, wearing a black wedding gown and MAY MARTINEZ, wearing a white tuxedo, are sharing a joint as they walk down the aisle. Deedee takes a hit off a joint she was holding, then hands it over to May. DEEDEE And of course this is all coming from the guy who grew up between the Hamptons and the Jersey shore. MAY At least you know where IÕm coming from. Awight. At least IÕm not from Brooklyn but choose to live in the Billy (mockingly) Burg. Talk about pretentious. DEEDEE Nigga what? MAY You heard me. Spare me with your hipsterator nation. Talk about a place thatÕs too cool for its own fucking good. You could cut the condescending pretentiousness with black painted fingernail. DEEDEE Amen to that. Just cosÕ I live there donÕt mean I represent it. May takes a long drag off the joint. MAY IÕve never been to a restaurant in the city and feel like the server was doing me a favor. Fucking hipsters. DEEDEE Preach on brotha! May takes another long drag off the joint. Holds on to the smoke for half a minute then releases it slowly, playing with the smoke. MAY You know what hipsters are? TheyÕre like wanna be hippies minus the one thing that made hippies, hippies. The love. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: Deedee laughs. DEEDEE Nigga you wish you lived in the Burg. May hands the joint back to Deedee. MAY Sheeeat, donÕt wish. Live through it baby, you live the most undeserving narcissistic hood in the 5 boroughs. Deedee laughs even louder and harder this time. She takes the joint and looking May dead in the eyes kills what was left of the joint in one long continuous drag until there is nothing but a very small roach which she simply tosses aside. DEEDEE You know baby, I love you despite the fact that you like the Mets and the Jets and not the Giants and the Yanks like a real man and if that ainÕt love then. Deedee looks at May at a loss for words. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) I donÕt know, I guess what IÕm trying to say is that if I was ever to do this, IÕm glad it was with you. They both look deep into each otherÕs eyes in a loving embrace. MAY Deedee, baby, you fulfill my every void and have done so since we met. IÕm so ready to take the plunge with you, for life without you just wouldnÕt be so. You know? DEEDEE What do you think our friends will say? MAY WeÕre not doing this for them, now are we? DEEDEE No, I guess weÕre really not. (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: (2) Deedee smiles and nods just before kissing her groom to be very passionately. MAY You ready love? DEEDEE As ready as the meaning of the word will allow me to be. Deedee and May both look down at the ground beneath them some 100 feet below, theyÕre ready to jump off to their deaths. CUT TO CREDITS: THREE DAYS AGO. INT. BAR - NIGHT A MAN in his mid-thirties is sitting on a stool at the bar counter by himself. Luggage sits right next to him, two small matching carry-on bags and a third matching backpack. His name is DERRICK NORTON. The BARTENDER, brings him a martini and places it next to two empty martini glasses, both littered with toothpicks. A VERY GOOD LOOKING MAN in his early twenties walks in wheeling an oversized brand named luggage. He heads straight to the bar taking a seat two seats away from Derrick, his name is HUGO CURTIS. HUGO (to bartender) Sup bro. BARTENDER Sup man. HUGO IÕll take a shot of whatever your favorite silver and anejo tequilas are and whatever your seasonal beer is on tap. BARTENDER You got it. Derrick looks at Hugo. Hugo looks around at the nearly empty bar. He then at the girl at the opposite end of the bar whoÕs taking most of the bartenderÕs time. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: The bartender brings Hugo his drinks, taking HugoÕs $50 dollar bill and setting the drinks down on the counter. Hugo takes the shot of silver and shoots it straight down, washing it down with the beer. DERRICK Going straight for the kill hu? HUGO Hey, itÕs like IÕve always said, if youÕre gonna drink, fucking drink awright? Derrick raises his martini glasses cheering him. Hugo raises the shot of anejo and cheers him right back. This time however, he sips on the shot. DERRICK Amen to that. HUGO You coming in or are you on your way out? DERRICK Yeah IÕm flying out tonight. You? The bartender comes back with HugoÕs change, Hugo takes it leaving a $10 dollar bill behind on the counter. HUGO Lay over, IÕm on my way home from a shoot, cosÕ my friend is getting married. Decided to make a little detour to see this chic I met online. DERRICK HowÕd that go? Hugo shoots Derrick, a Ôyou really wanna know look.Õ HUGO Dude, lemme just say, if you ever meet anybody online, donÕt believe a word they tell ya. DERRICK That bad hu? HUGO That bad?! I wish it wouldÕve been just bad. It was the perfect example of false advertising. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: (2) DERRICK You serious? What? She wasnÕt the girl you talked to? Who the fuck does that? HUGO ThatÕs what I said. I mean she was the girl I talked to, she just wasnÕt the girl I saw online. Derrick and Hugo both share a laugh. DERRICK IÕm sorry man, but thatÕs pretty fucken funny. So whatÕd you do? HUGO What else could I do? I ditched the bitch! FLASH TO: A BURNING HOUSE FLASH BACK TO: INT. BAR - NIGHT Derrick almost falls over from his stool laughing, but is able to catch himself before doing so. DERRICK Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. HUGO But not before I made her dad hook me up with some primo buds. Derrick looks puzzled. DERRICK Buds? WhatÕs that? HUGO You know, grass, dope, weed, sinsemilla, Maui-Huai, THC, pot, marijuguana, which is bad. DERRICK Oh, alright, I gotcha. Wow, I havenÕt done that, since like high school. (CONTINUED) 6. CONTINUED: Hugo doesnÕt say anything for a moment as he simply drinks his drink and contemplates the moment of silence mixed with jukebox music. DERRICK (CONTÕD) Is it good? HUGO I donÕt deal with anything less than Chronic or creepy. DERRICK Some wicked Mexican shit hu? HUGO Is my name Carlos? Do I look like a fucking busboy handing out dime bags here? Hugo stares at Derrick making him uncomfortable for a moment, before Hugo cracks up putting him at ease. HUGO (CONTÕD) IÕm just fucking with you man, check it, IÕm gonna go smoke this spliff outside. All rolled up and ready to go with some creep. Wanna join? Derrick ponders on this for a moment. DERRICK Sure, why the heck not man? HUGO Era boy. We should bring our shit with us though, just cosÕ now a days you canÕt be too careful. You know? DERRICK ThatÕs a really good idea. We definitely cannot be too careful these days. FADE TO: EXT. BAR - MOMENTS LATER HUGO and DERRICK are standing by the wall behind the bar smoking a joint. Derrick is hitting it hard and chokes on it coughing as he hands it back to Hugo. Hugo keeps constantly looking around, making sure thereÕs nobody walking by. (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: DERRICK Man, I had forgotten how good this feels. Why canÕt we legalize it here, like they did in Holland. HUGO I just got back from there actually. Did you know that it didnÕt always use to be legal? DERRICK No? Hugo takes the long drag off the joint, playing with the smoke as he releases it. HeÕs still looking around, making sure thereÕs nobody coming. HUGO Naw bro, back in the days it use to be illegal, but everyone was doing it, right? Derrick takes the joint back from Hugo, hitting it. DERRICK IÕm witcha. HUGO So the courts started getting fed up with all the paperwork and money being spent on prosecuting all these pot smokers, right? Hugo takes the joint back from Derrick. He takes another long drag, while looking around. Hugo makes smoke donuts before handing the joint back to Derrick. DERRICK Then what happened? HUGO Well, the courts figured that pot didnÕt really hurt anybody, not anymore than cigarettes or alcohol anyway. DERRICK True, true. Derrick takes a long drag off the joint. HUGO So they said fuck it. You guys can smoke it, just donÕt make a habit out of it. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: (2) Hugo takes out a long dagger, from Gods know where, driving it deep into DerrickÕs torso repeatedly and rapidly. He then pauses and moves the dagger up and down once inside. Hugo starts laughing hysterically. HUGO (CONTÕD) Just donÕt make a habit out of it. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. CUT TO: YESTERDAY INT. MAYÕS LIVING ROOM - MORNING May walks into his living room carrying a bunch of mail, most of which is junk, in one hand while rummaging through it with the other. He walks up to his dining table making three separate piles on the table, one pile for junk, one for bills and the last pile for letters from his school (NYU?) May takes the pile of junk to the kitchen, throwing it away. May looks inside the fridge, inspecting it for a while, it is nearly empty but still he looks around it until he decides on a bottled water. May makes his way to the living room. Inside the living room thereÕs a TV, an ipod stereo system, a couple of couches. ThereÕs also a large calendar in the middle of the room with a lot of XÕs marked on it. There are two empty squares between the last X and a date circled with a bold, red marker encircling the words ÔBig Day.Õ He walks over to his ipod, looks for the right playlist and presses play. May walks back to the table bobbing his head to the music he just started playing. May sits down on the table, opens a letter from the school, he reads a little bit then crumples it opening another envelope from the school in the process. He does the same with the rest of the letters from the school, except for the last one, he just leaves it lying there on the table untouched. May then sorts through his bills until he finds one thatÕs not a bill, itÕs confirmation appointment for a doctor. He looks up at the clock on top of his TV, it reads 09:30 am. He looks at his calendar, he thinks of something, May then walks into his room where his backpack is at. He takes out a pen and goes back to his calendar. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: May puts an X on one of empty spots while writing in ÔDoctorÕs appointment at 11:30 am TODAY!Õ on the other, after which he digs into his pocket pulling out his cell phone. He goes down his contact list until he finds the one that reads ÔChez Mom,Õ he presses talk. May turns down the music while still bobbing his head to it as the phone begins to ring on the other line. He begins to pace around the room as the phone rings a few more times until she finally picks up. MAY Hey mom, long time no talk, howÕs Paris? (pronouncing it Pah-rrie) Yeah, I wish I was thurr too, not working of course. School? SchoolÕs great, you know me, you know how I do. May holds the cell phone with his shoulder patting both his pockets while still pacing. MAY (CONTÕD) Have you talked to dad? His secretary keeps taking messages but he still hasnÕt gotten back to me yet. No? May finally finds what he was looking for in his pockets. He digs out a fancy cigarette box filled with joints. May takes one of the joints out as he tosses the box onto the table. MAY (CONTÕD) Yeah I know itÕd be a lot easier to get a hold of the president but this is really important to me. Well does he even know IÕm getting married? May digs into his pockets again, he pulls out a lighter, lights up the joint taking a couple of drags, not playing with the smoke, he simply releases it. MAY (CONTÕD) You donÕt even know if he knows? Well, mom! You are coming though, right? ItÕs tomorrow mom! But I mean, I told you like two months ago. May takes a couple more drags off the joint while pacing harder around the room. (CONTINUED) 10. CONTINUED: (2) MAY (CONTÕD) But itÕs my wedding day mom. Mind you itÕs gonna be a small ceremony but it would really mean the world to me if you could be thurr. MayÕs pacing is out of control by now taking smaller drags off the joint and quickly releasing the smoke. MAY (CONTÕD) But, why not mom? When Jun and Avril got married we all had to go to their stupid weddings and they already told me theyÕre both too busy to come as well. Is it her? May is interrupted by his mom over the phone. MAY (CONTÕD) I understand that you have to work mom but. Yeah I know an authorÕs work is never done but. May stops pacing and finally slumps himself onto one of the couches, taking another drag off the joint. MAY (CONTÕD) Yeah IÕm sorry too mom. No, no IÕm fine, IÕll be just fine. Yeah IÕve got some bills but IÕll just drop them off on TedÕs box, thatÕs what accountants are for no? May finishes off the joint, walks over to where the ipod is, he then puts the joint out in an ashtray thatÕs filled with other roaches. MAY (CONTÕD) Yeah, IÕll be expecting gifts from everybody, thanks, sure, sure, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. IÕll see you during my break. No donÕt worry about it mom, IÕll be fine, you know me. Je te aim aussie. AuÕrevoir. May sits on the couch flabbergasted for a second, contemplating the conversation he just had with his mom. He walks up to the stereo turning it up. May walks back to the table. He empties the contents of the fancy cigarette box, about 9 joints fall out of it, along with two baggies filled with white powder. One of the baggies is transparent the other one is colored. (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: (3) He lights up another one of the joints taking a couple of long drags. He plays with the smoke this time before releasing it. May takes the colored baggy walking over to the kitchen fetching a spoon. He walks back to the couch where he pours some of the powder onto the spoon. He takes out his personalized, gifted fancy Zippo. MAY (CONTÕD) Live through it baby, live through it. Underneath the empty box of joints is the uncrumpled letter from the school in bold letters on the top it reads. LETTER DEAR MR. MARTINEZ, THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU STILL ON ACADEMIC PROBATION, AND WILL REMAIN TO BE UNTIL YOU SPEAK WITH YOUR STUDENT ADVISOR. PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. FADE OUT. 2 YEARS AGO INT. DEEDEEÕS BEDROOM - NIGHT DEEDEE hears a knock on the door, she gets up to get it. She opens the door to reveal MAY behind it. Outside the bedroom we can hear the sound of music and loud people in what appears to be a small social gathering. TD sits at the foot of the bed. MAY (V.O.) My name is May, this is Theodore and Delilah DaliÕs place. Better known as TD and Deedee. Deedee just stands there with an annoyed stance. MAY (V.O.) (CONTÕD) Theodore was one of the best wide receivers in high school, hence the name TD. He was lightning fast. Recruited by the Trojans, he was headed straight for USC. But he had one small problem. (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: TD nods at May and May nods back, although Deedee didnÕt see her brother nodding first. MAY (V.O.) (CONTÕD) He liked forcing himself on young girls and by young, I mean illegal. One bad night with the wrong girl was all it took to end his career before it even started. TD remains seated on the bed while Deedee stands there looking at May. MAY (V.O.) (CONTÕD) HeÕs really more of an acquaintance than a friend, but IÕve heard heÕs the fucken hook up. DEEDEE May I help you? TD Hey May, what up G. HeÕs cool sis, heÕs with me. May extends his hand out for Deedee to shake. MAY Hi, IÕm May. DEEDEE Yeah, I kinda gathered that. Deedee turns her back to him, leaving him with his hand extended. May wipes his hands as if itÕs totally cool. Deedee gives TD a look and he jumps off the bed apologetically. TD IÕm so glad you made it, G. May and TD do a half hand shake, half hug salute. DEEDEE You will forgive my rudeness for not shaking your hand, but Gods only know how many people have germ your hand by now. MAY ThatÕs cool. (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: (2) DEEDEE Yeah, I know it is. So what can I do you for? Deedee sits on the bed in absolute business mode. MAY I just needed like a half O of herb and like maybe a couple of beans if youÕve got any. DEEDEE How many? And donÕt say anything less than 10 cosÕ I wonÕt even bother. MAY Funny you say that, cosÕ thatÕs the exact, same amount I was looking for. Deedee motions TD to do something. He reaches for a small velvet box from one of the drawers, then hands her the box. She takes the box without looking at it then empties the contents on a small, breakfast in bed tray. The tray itself is all scratched up with line scars and full of all kinds of drugs. A bunch of small baggies, with some white powder in them, cover the entire length of the tray. DEEDEE Wrong box bro. TD Sorry sis. Deedee acts really upset towards her sibling. TD hands her the right box. May is wide eyed looking at the contents from the wrong box. DEEDEE YouÕre a fucken drug addict, TD, fucken act like it. MAY What is that? TD Naw, naw, naw, G, you donÕt wanna mess with that shit. That shit is for fucken tecos yo. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: (3) MAY Really? Heroine huh? You know IÕve always been curious about that shit. A pleasing look fills DeedeeÕs face with these news, so much so, she forgets sheÕs annoyed with life. Deedee digs through the contents of the second box, the right one, as she begins to flirt with May with her body language. DEEDEE You still going to school Kay? MAY ItÕs May, and yeah I still go to school. TD Shit, my nigga here is going to school to become some kinda directa or sumnÕ. Right? TD pats May in the back. DEEDEE Really? Film school huh? MAY Yup, yup. That be I. TD Shit, back in school my nigga here was a straight A muthafucken student. He was the reason everyone in the football team had a B average. Deedee nods in approval. DEEDEE You still keeping that straight A thing up? MAY You know me TD Same old G. TD and May laugh, Deedee just rolls her eyes. Deedee separates the baggies into categories in her head. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (4) DEEDEE Yeah well, I dropped out of school when I hit the ninth grade, hated school, still do and probably always will. MAY Right, right. DEEDEE Although I do have the utmost respect for those who actually follow their dream. Deedee nods TD towards the door, as if asking him to leave them alone. TD May my man, I gotta go make sure everybody else is taken care of, but IÕll see you in a few, awight? TD exits and Deedee motions toward May. DEEDEE Hey suga Ray, you mind locking the door behind you? MAY Not at all. CUT TO: INT. DEEDEEÕS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT TD walks into the living room, where there are THREE GUYS chilling in there, watching something on TV. One of the guys is passed out drunk on the carpet, holding on to a 40oz bottle of alcohol. ThereÕs drool coming out of his mouth, his name is ICHI. One of the the other two guys is using him as a footstool, his name is SYKE. The third guy, LANNY canÕt reach Ichi so he just leans back as he rolls a joint. He pauses rolling it so he can hit the bong. TD sits in between Syke and Lanny. SYKE Where did you get this shit TD? (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: TD This kid from the city who owed us some money gave it to me for a ball. Muthafucka said he paid like a K note for it and shit. SYKE Where did he get it? TD shrugs his shoulder in a dunno manner. LANNY ThatÕs some twisted ass shit, you think itÕs real? SYKE Look at that little bitchÕs face man, you canÕt fake that shit. ThereÕs a knock on the door. TD gets up, looks through the peep hole in the door and sees that itÕs his girls. He opens the door to let LISA and APHRODISIA. The girls are carrying a jar full of something labeled simply as Venom, along with some paper bags. TD Damn womans, what the hell took yaÕll so damn long? APHRODISIA What the fuck, next time you go get yo shit yo damn self. The girls put the bags away then come join the guys on the couch. Aphrodisia sits in between TD and Syke while Lisa moves next to Syke, they all use Ichi as a footstool. LISA You guys still watching this stupid video? Lanny finishes rolling the joint, heÕs now drying it. LISA (CONTÕD) WhatÕs so sexy about some old, fat guy riding a young boy with a gun to his head. Making him double plug that young girl with his cock and a knife, that couldnÕt be sanitary. APHRODISIA I kinda like it, itÕs gory, you know? Do you think itÕs real? (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: (2) Lanny sparks the joint and starts passing it to his left, TD is the closest. LISA I donÕt think so, sheÕs not even that good an actress, she canÕt even fake it right. APHRODISIA I donÕt think sheÕs supposed to be faking it. I think sheÕs going for that whole, IÕm getting raped and killed thing. TD hands the joint over to Aphrodisia, she takes it and takes a couple of drags. LISA Not that itÕs sexy or anything, but if she canÕt even fake it right, she deserves to die. Lanny is back on the bong but pauses when he hears what Lisa just said. He hold the bong with one hand and high fives her with the other, she claps it back. LANNY Amen to that sista, amen to that. CUT TO: INT. DEEDEEÕS BEDROOM - SAME TIME MAY is sitting at the foot of the bed and he puts the pills of ecstacy he just bought in one of his pockets while putting the weed on his other pocket. DEEDEE (O.S.) Take off your shirt. May begins to take off his shirt. After taking it off, he folds it folds it very neatly and places it on the drawer next to the bed. MAY I donÕt know if I should really do this. I know myself too well and something this good could have me whip for ages. DEEDEE (O.S.) Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: MAY As a matter of fact, the more that I think about it, the more convinced I am that I definitely should not do this tonight. He takes off his belt, then hands it to Deedee, though we still cannot see her. MAY (CONTÕD) So I will. Deedee is wrapping the belt around his arm. We reveal DEEDEE, ready to shoot something into MayÕs arm. MAY (CONTÕD) IÕm not so sure about this Deedee. Deedee leans over very seductively, whispering in his ear. DEEDEE Yeah you are, it just makes you feel better about yourself to say such things you donÕt mean. MAY True, true. DEEDEE Now remember to have fun, and IÕll see you on the other side. DISSOLVE TO: INT. DREAM SEQUENCE - TIMELESS MAY closes his eyes as he sinks deep into the bed. May begins to float in a white light, surrounded by clouds. MAY (V.O.) With eyes shut air tight, I feel it course into my system and through my sight; in a quick flash of light all brainwaves turn electric before the mindÕs eye. I find myself tripping beyond belief, with joy all around this sensational mind relief. FADE OUT. FADE IN: 19. ONE MONTH AGO INT. CAFE IN ASTORIA - DAY JADE CONNOR, a beautiful woman in her late twenties, wearing comfortable clothes, and GUS WELLING, early twenties, wearing something bum like, are having a late brunch at a cafe in Astoria. JADE (V.O.) My name is Jade, this kid with me is Gus, if it wasnÕt for the fact that he can get any drug you want and he can pull girls left and right, heÕd be pretty useless. GusÕ cell rings, he stops eating to pick it up. GUS Hey whatÕs up Jackpot. NuttinÕ just out here grinding ma nigga, you know what it is. Wuz up nigga, whatcha need? Gus looks at his watch then looks at Jade, making an annoyed face. GUS (CONTÕD) How much? I donÕt know, lemme make a couple of calls then IÕll call you right back. Cool. Lates. JADE Who was that sweetie? GUS That was just Ed, from the coffeehouse. Gus continues to eat as Jade stares at him. JADE You mean the shady coffeehouse where nobody gets paid except you and sometimes even you have to steal it. GUS ItÕs not my fault the idiots keep coming back to work after like a month with no paycheck. CUT TO: 20. INT. COFFEEHOUSE/ HOOKAH LOUNGE - NIGHT GUS is behind the counter. Around the back, behind the wall, hides BUNCO, the owner. ThereÕs a BILL COLLECTOR who is threatening to take his equipment away. Behind the bill collector is BILLY, a young kid in his late teens also looking for Bunco. GUS (to bill collector) Look, IÕm sorry but I canÕt let you take away the equipment without some sort of legal document stating you can. BILL COLLECTOR But itÕs my shit. And that fucker hasnÕt paid me for it, itÕs been like three months. GUS Look I donÕt like your attitude and IÕm like two seconds from calling the cops. The bill collector begins to pace around the front counter, like a caged animal. BILL COLLECTOR You tell that son of a bitch that IÕm gonna go get the cops and take all my equipment away, you got that. This is fucken bullshit, thatÕs what this is. The bill collector storms out of the coffeehouse, leaving Billy alone in front of the counter. Bunco still hides behind the wall. BILLY So, BuncoÕs not here, huh? GUS Naw, werenÕt you scheduled to work right now? Billy gives Gus a mean look. BILLY Look, my parents advised me to not work until I get paid. ThereÕs been a lot of people who claim Bunco hasnÕt paid them either. (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: GUS Dude, I told you, thereÕs a problem with the accountant doing the payroll. BILLY ThereÕs always a problem with the fucken accountant, itÕs been six weeks and I really need to get paid. Gus walks from behind the counter and puts his arm around Billy, walking him to the back. On the opposite side from where Bunco is. GUS Look Billy, trust me dude, youÕre gonna get paid. Forget what everybody else is saying, I mean youÕve seen me get paid by Bunco, right? BILLY Yeah but. GUS Dude, trust me. IÕm taking care of it awright? In fact IÕll tell you what IÕll do for you. All the tips, you pool today, you keep it all, howÕs that? Bunco is still hiding nodding his head in approval. BILLY But. GUS Dude, are you gonna listen to your parents? Who just donÕt understand. Or do you want to get paid? BILLY I want to get paid, but. Gus takes off his apron and puts it over BillyÕs head. GUS Then trust me dude. If you quit, you can pretty much forget about it. But if you stick around just one more week, youÕll not only get paid, IÕll make you supervisor. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: (2) BillyÕs face lights up to a glow. BILLY Oh yeah? GUS Oh, fo show. No doubt. But you have to stick with us dude. Are you in the team or are you in the team? BILLY IÕm so in the team. GusÕ face is filled with content at this victory. He makes his way out, by the side where Bunco is. GUS Alright dude, count your bank, make sure itÕs all there and IÕll be back in a few hours, call me if you need anything. BILLY You got it boss. GUS Oh, and will you please make sure the front is clean and everything is set up for our open mic tonight? BILLY Of course boss. Gus walks by Bunco and Bunco puts his arm around GusÕ shoulder nodding approvingly, they exit through the hidden exit in the back. CUT TO: INT. CAFE IN ASTORIA - DAY JADE and GUS are still eating their food. Although Jade leaves the rest of her food untouched. JADE So what did Ed want? (CONTINUED) 23. CONTINUED: GUS Some beans, which means I have to go see my pharms guy, all the way in Jersey. JADE Can you get some pills? The girls at the club are asking for some. We still have shit, though, right? GUS Who you think you talking to? Of course we do. Gus finishes playing with his food. He puts it to the side. JADE So yay, on the pills. GUS Of course pumpkin, yey and pills, whatever you want. You have any money? JADE Yeah of course, plus I should make a few more bills tonight. Gus asks for the check. THE WAITRESS acknowledges him. JADE (V.O.) (CONTÕD) If you werenÕt so damn good at what you do, I wouldÕve ditched your ass a long time ago. GUS So youÕre dancing tonight? JADE And you know it. GUS (V.O.) Cool, so I can hit up Salma after I get back from Jersey. The waitress drops the check on the table, Gus picks it up to look at it, Jade digs into her purse, takes out a stack of bills. She takes the check from GusÕ hands, looks at it, does the math in her head and drops four $20 bills. Jade gives the rest of the cash to Gus. JADE K, so IÕm gonna call you as soon as IÕm out. You gonna be around? (CONTINUED) 24. CONTINUED: (2) GUS Of course pumpkin. They kiss goodbye. GUS (V.O.) (CONTÕD) Just not around you. CUT TO: THREE WEEKS AGO INT. THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - NIGHT There are some scattered clusters of people inside this beautiful lounge in Tribeca, but not too busy. ThereÕs a single bartender behind the bar and two waitresses dividing the floor between them. CASSANDRA WYMAN, late 20Õs, better known as Cassie, wearing a stylish suit, greets DEEDEE and MAY as they enter the restaurant. CASSIE Hello, welcome to the beautiful people lounge, would you care for a table? DEEDEE Actually weÕre meeting some people here. Deedee looks at Cassie as if she recognizes her. Deedee and May look around and find their party. Cassie waves them the go ahead and they begin to make their way to their table where APHRODISIA, LISA and LANNY are waiting for the fashionably late couple. They each have finished a drink and a half, working steadily on that remaining half. Greets all around the table as they seat down. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) Sorry bout the wait guys, but you all know how long it takes May to make a fucken line. MAY Hey perfection takes time, baby doll. Live through it, baby, live through it. May blows her a kiss, she takes it, makes like sheÕs gonna throw it away; (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: much to MayÕs dismay, thinks twice about it and puts it in her pocket smiling wickedly at her other half. May takes out a fancy cigarette box filled with pre- rolled joints, he takes one out, putting it in his ear then puts the box away. LANNY DonÕt worry bout shit. WeÕre just getting our drink on. You know how we roll. APHRODISIA For sure! If anything, thanks for coming with such short notice. LISA TO-ta-lee! DonÕt know what we wouldÕve done withoutcha. Deedee shrugs. DEEDEE Anything for my pets. Sides, I needed to peel lay-z boy hurr, hour of the fucken house for a minute. Or two. May sparks the joint. Cassie notices, picks something up, then walks over to the table. She walks straight towards May. She stands in front of May, they look at each other, she then finally sits an ashtray in front of May. ThereÕs a Ō420 Friendly EstablishmentĶ sign on the wall directly behind Cassie. MAY Thanks doll. Cassie winks at both him and Deedee, whoÕs still staring at Cassie. CASSIE DonÕt mention it. DEEDEE ArenÕt you going out with Hugo Gallagher? Cassie looks closely at Deedee for the first time. CASSIE Why yes! Yes I am. Wait a minute, youÕre his friend. Cassie pauses to think for a moment. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: (2) CASSIE (CONTÕD) Ceecee, right? DEEDEE ItÕs Deedee, but close enough. And you are? CASSIE Cassie, IÕm Cassie. IÕm sorry, itÕs just running this place, I forget my manners sometimes. DEEDEE ThatÕs alright, itÕs OK, both of us are pretty obliterated when we run into each other. CASSIE IÕll tell you what. Deedee motions for Cassie to sit down and joint them. Cassie looks around to make sure things are taken care of around the place. Once satisfied, she finally sits down. DEEDEE HowÕs business lately? Cassie sighs out loud. CASSIE Feeling the econ crunch. You know? DEEDEE ArenÕt we all. Everyone around the table nods approvingly. Cassie looks at all the empty glasses on the table. She motions for NATALIE, the waitress, to come over. She gets there with a quickness. NATALIE Sup Cass. CASSIE Hey Nat. Would you please bring everyone a round of whatever theyÕre drinking and for Deedee and. Cassie waves for May to insert his name. It takes him a second to get it. MAY Oh, IÕm May. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: (3) NATALIE WhatÕll it be May? MAY Two Partida Rep Margaritas, on the rocks with lots of salt. Cassie puts three fingers up. CASSIE Better make that three. And tell Tessa this roundÕs on me. NATALIE Yes maÕam. DEEDEE Thanks Cassie. MAY Yeah really, thanks. Cassie dismisses them as if itÕs nothing. May offers her the joint. She thinks about it for a second, until she finally gives in to her urges. CASSIE Thanks. MAY No problemo Cassie. LANNY Cassie. (Pauses to think) Sassy Cassie. Deedee rolls her eyes apologetically. DEEDEE Cheesy sleazy. DonÕt pay him any mind hon, just ignore him. We all do. Cassie laughs. CASSIE ThatÕs alright. They actually used to call me that in high school. ItÕs funny. Lanny throws Deedee a Ōyou see glance.Ķ Deedee dismisses him. Natalie comes back with their drinks. (CONTINUED) 28. CONTINUED: (4) DEEDEE So, Cassie. WhereÕs ma boy Hugo at these days? ItÕs been a while since IÕve seen him. CASSIE HeÕs actually on tour slash photo shoots, been super busy traveling everywhere. DEEDEE I can imagine the life of a rockstar slash supermodel, must be very demanding. MAY Not to mention consuming. CASSIE Like you have no idea. Natalie leaves the table after setting their new drinks down and clearing the table from the empty ones. Everyone picks up their respective drinks, with Aphrodisia leading the charge by getting up. APHRODISIA A toast. To the newly engaged and soon to be married. Lisa gets up herself. LISA Yes, to Deedee and May, THE most couple that we all know. LANNY Cheers, cheers! Everyone on the table cheers, click their glasses and look at everybody else around in their eyes. CASSIE (to Deedee) I didnÕt know you guys were getting married, congratulations! DEEDEE Thanks, thanks a lot. CASSIE WhenÕs the wedding? Deedee has to think about it for a second. (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: (5) MAY ItÕs in about three weeks. DEEDEE Yeah thatÕs it. May shakes his head laughing at the thought. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) Which reminds me, you and Hugo and of course, most definitely invited. CASSIE Thanks a lot, I would love to go. Deedee leans over to whisper something into MayÕs ear. He listens, nods, then whispers something right back. She listens and nods herself approvingly. DEEDEE Hey Cass, Me and May would love to hold our reception here the night before the wedding. Think we could book it for the night? CASSIE For HugoÕs girl? IÕll even hook you up. DEEDEE Yeah, but only if you get someone else to work for you that night, so you can party with us. CASSIE You got it. Cassie looks around the place. CASSIE (CONTÕD) I should probably get back to work. You guys have fun though. DEEDEE We always do dah-ling we always do. Cassie waves at the entire table and they do the same. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) See, I told you weÕd find a cool spot for the recept in no time. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: (6) MAY Hey, IÕm the worrybug in the relationship, live through it awight. Deedee looks over at Lanny, then nods, he nods back. LANNY This is for the tickets. Lanny slides an envelope to May. Deedee hands another envelope under the table to Lisa. Both May and Lisa inspect their respective packages very discretely. Once happy, they both nod at their respective parties. DEEDEE So whatchauptonow? APHRODISIA Now the night begins. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT HUGO You have really good taste in music. HUGO is speaking to someone whom we cannot see, while looking through their ipod collection. HUGO (CONTÕD) You know what I find very amusing? The fact that most people tend to forget about God, right up until the feel theyÕre about to meet back up with him, or her. Hugo finally decides on a song, he presses play and turns it up. HUGO (CONTÕD) You know what I find super sexy? This song right here. Hugo begins to dance to the music. While heÕs dancing we can see that the place is a bonafied mess. A coffee table is turned sideways with all its contents in front of it on the floor. Two matching couches with traces of what appears to be syrup or coffee. The television is turned on with the volume turned down on a snowy screen. (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: Hugo is still dancing around the room until he gets to the opposite end from where the stereo was. Right before he gets up to the wall he stops and examines something on the wall with a look of wonderment. Hugo takes out a small but fancy cigarette box from which he pulls out a rolled up joint. He puts the joint to his mouth and right before he lights it, he says: HUGO (CONTÕD) IÕm really suppose to be cutting down on all the huffing and puffing. He light up his joint, taking long and steady drags until he gets one big hit. The one hit from which you know youÕre definitely not gonna be sober after. He plays with the smoke as he releases it, then taking another drag, looks back at the wall. HUGO (CONTÕD) You know what I find sexier than a beautiful chic who is 5Õ11Ķ with purple, jet black hair, big gray eyes, 36 double dÕs and weights 96 pounds? On the wall, thereÕs a woman whoÕs been bound by her wrists and ankles with chromed metal chains. SheÕs also gagged at the mouth with duck tape. The womanÕs face is bruised, beaten and bloody. Her hair is unruly and pulled. Tears are still running down from her eyes, which are wide with panicked terror. This is specially so when from out of nowhere, Hugo pulls and dangles a long blade in front of her face. Hugo checks out his reflection on one side and hers on the other. HUGO (CONTÕD) That look on peopleÕs face. Hugo takes the dagger with his right hand and slices one side of her waist, then the other. He then slices her stomach making patterns on her torso, right before he begins to masturbate with the left hand, keeping the joint in his mouth. HUGO (CONTÕD) That expression that people get right after theyÕve experienced a painful slice, but right before they realize theyÕre about to enjoy the sweet release of dying. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: (2) He begins to moan with excitement as he drives the dagger in, twirling it around in her insides. Hugo makes like he just culminated, dropping his joint from his mouth. Right as she closes her eyes and cocks her head down, dead. When Hugo finally is done with his orgasm, he picks up the joint. He takes a long drag, plays with the smoke then looks back at the woman. HUGO (CONTÕD) Was it good for you as it was for me? FADE TO: AROUND THAT SAME TIME INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - DAWN Inside this spacious condo it looks like a tornado had gone through the middle of it. ThereÕs an earthy undertone all over the house. The kitchen has scattered pizza boxes, pots, pans, plates, half emptied bottles of beer and wine. Wine glasses all over the place. ThereÕs a mountain of clothes at the foot of the bed inside the bedroom. ThereÕs SOMEONE on the bed, but they are covered by the sheets, not the blankets which somehow made their way to the floor but not on top of the clothes. ThereÕs a screened porch adjacent to the living room, which overlooks the financial district over the water. TRACKING SHOT TO OUTSIDE EXT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - SAME TIME Seating on lounge chair overlooking the city is a very BEAUTIFUL WOMAN of 26. SheÕs wearing a nightgown, her name is SALMA MICHAELS. The guy who was under the covers notices that Salma is not on the bed and walks outside to her, taking the empty chair next to her. (CONTINUED) 33. CONTINUED: ItÕs GUS, heÕs wearing a pair of boxer shorts which he just slipped on after getting out of bed. GUS CouldnÕt sleep? SALMA You must be high daddy cool. After all the tabs we took last night? IÕm surprised you could. GUS Yeah well, the drugs. They donÕt work on me like they use to. Gus begins to look around for something. SALMA Why are you up? Not that I donÕt want you up, but every time we actually do sleep, weÕre never out of bed before four oÕ clock, specially you, itÕs like pulling teeth waking you up. GUS Like youÕre the epitome of a morning person? Hello! Waking up at noon makes not a morning person. Gus remembers something and walks back into the house. SALMA Right, right. Did Jade call you last night? GUS I havenÕt checked on my celly today and IÕm not sure I really want to. SheÕs probably just dry on shit. Gus grabs a small cooler filled with beer from the fridge and comes back outside. SALMA Poor girl. But sheÕs your girlfriend. GUS Yeah but you know she and I have an open relationship. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: (2) SALMA Yeah but sheÕs only agreeing to that because you left her no choice. GUS Well, if she hadnÕt cheated on me in the first place, maybe you and I wouldnÕt even be talking right now. Salma grabs the beer from GusÕ hand and takes a sip. SALMA You do have a solid point. GUS DonÕt feel so bad for her, trust you me, if she had half the chance right now, sheÕd probably be fucking somebody else right now. CUT TO: INT. SOME ROOM - SAME TIME JADE is making out with SOME GIRL. BACK TO: EXT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - SAME TIME GUS gets another beer. SALMA Is there any coke left? So you can make us a couple of lines. And donÕt be holding out on me, cosÕ I know you. GUS How should I know? I gave it to you, precisely because I donÕt trust myself with it. Gus opens it up taking a big gulp. SALMA Then it should be in the living room somewhere. Will you be a sweetheart and make us a couple of lines, you know to kinda start the day right. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: GUS You really wanna get a start on the right foot? Then why donÕt I just make two lines of mess instead? Gus gets up to go fetch the stuff. SALMA Naw, that shit is all you daddy cool. GUS Oh yeah, I almost forgot. YouÕre totally refined, huh? SALMA I am. Plus, I would never put anything up my nose that is synonymous with shit. Not to mention, itÕs like poor manÕs coke. I am neither, so. GUS Yeah awight. Gus walks back in kicking stuff around rather than picking up and looking for it. He moves some art books and a lamp out of the way until he finds a few small glass containers with different colored caps. He picks up a framed mirror and his phone before heading back out. The phone reads 6 missed calls. GUS (CONTÕD) She called alright, six times to be exact. IÕm not even gonna call her back. SheÕs probably just gonna bitch at me anyway. A sad look fills SalmaÕs face. SALMA At least your girlfriend still cares about you. GUS She cares about something alright. Salma takes a big gulp from the beer. SALMA But still, she cares. How long have you been staying with me this time? (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: (2) GUS LetÕs see, last time I was home to pick up some clothes was like, what? Two weeks ago? Gus begins to look for something else. SALMA Two weeks ago. Two fucken weeks ago! And Henry hasnÕt even bother to call me once. GUS Yeah baby doll, but weÕve already established a long time ago, that heÕs a fucken idiot. SALMA Yeah but, heÕs my fucken idiot. Gus gets busy cutting up some lines. SalmaÕs lost in her own head, she closes her eyes and fades away for a moment. SALMA (V.O.) (CONTÕD) ItÕs like going into the lionÕs mouth when youÕre already out of the cage; itÕs like pretending to be someone you are not and slowly but surely your insides built nothing but rage... Gus finishes cutting up six huge lines from one container. He opens another container with a different color cap and pours some out powder. SALMA (V.O.) (CONTÕD) ItÕs like being amongst so-called friends whom youÕre not even fond of, yet you remain in the circle and pretend to love... ItÕs when arguing becomes; an expectation... Gus begins to cut some lines of the other stuff. Salma stands up to get a bottle of wine. SALMA (V.O.) (CONTÕD) ItÕs when love and trust are broken, but the deceiving hands of time blindly bind... ItÕs when innocence is lost and reality kicks in... ItÕs when life becomes work and work becomes life... (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: (3) Gus finishes cutting up the lines, which go in a different direction than the first set of lines. SALMA (V.O.) ItÕs when a high goes bad and the passenger is no longer in charge of the ride... ItÕs when the music you desire is not even heard... ItÕs when fun becomes which later than soon, happens but once in a blue moon. Gus appreciates his work, not because the lines are perfectly cut, but because of their magnitude. Salma comes back with a bottle of red wine, two glasses and an opener. GUS Awwwright! SALMA Do you think thereÕs something fundamentally wrong with me Gus? GUS Hell no baby doll. YouÕre money just the way you are. SALMA Then why wonÕt my boyfriend call me to at least check up on me? Not even to see how IÕm doing, but just to see if IÕm even alive. Gus hands the mirror over to her, along with a silver tube inhaler also known as a touter. She hands him the bottle of wine, the opener and the glasses, while taking the mirror. Salma looks at the two different sets of lines, although they look more like similar piles. One pile simply looks a little bit paler than the other. GUS Here honey pie. In a few minutes youÕre not even gonna remember whatÕs his faceÕs name. Salma examines both piles while holding the touter close to her nose. SALMA Which ones are mine again? (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: (4) Gus looks at the two sets of piles and points at the paler one. GUS You can usually tell the difference between glass and coke because glass is shinier than the pale white color of the coke. SALMA Learn something new everyday, huh? GUS It would be a wasted day if you didnÕt. Salma does half the first line in one swift motion with one nostril. She then finishes the remaining half with the other nostril. Salma hands the touter to Gus. Gus does the whole line in one swift motion. Holding his nose right afterward, he makes whiny noises. SALMA Why are you always such a baby every time you do one of those? Salma then repeats the same process as she did with the first with another line. GUS Strictly for dramatic effects baby, you know IÕm an actor of life. She finishes her line and hands the mirror back to Gus, who does the exact same thing he did the first time, right down to the whiny noises. SALMA Yeah. YouÕd make an excellent porn star Mr. Nine Inch Nail. GUS Hey baby, what can I say? IÕm a big, bright, shiny star. Salma turns from festive to serious. SALMA Maybe we should start using protection. CosÕ IÕm not having another abortion for anybody. (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: (5) GUS I hate condoms, you know that, itÕs unnatural. Sides, youÕre rich. So if you do get pregnant, weÕd have nothing to worry about, huh? SALMA YouÕd have nothing to worry about. IÕll just restock on M.A.Ps. Salma gets up, forgetting all about the wine, then walks back inside. She begins to make her way to the couch, kicking some clothes out of the way. SALMA (CONTÕD) Maybe I should call Conzuelo to come in later on today, this place is a fucken mess. Salma turns back to see Gus, who is watching her. He follows her in with the mirror and the touter. GUS Yeah, maybe I should go home and get some clothes. SALMA Maybe we can stop by there after we go grocery shopping and run a few errands I need to take care of. Think your GF is gonna be there? GUS Probably, itÕs not like she works during the day or anything. SALMA Maybe itÕs time that we meet. Gus hands Salma the mirror and the touter. GUS Yeah thatÕs cool. (V.O.) Threesome baby! Gus paces around for a second before heading back to the fridge to get another beer. Salma does her remaining lines, back to back to back. Salma hands the mirror back to Gus, he sits the beer down, then does the same with his lines. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: (6) When he sets the mirror down, he notices that Salma is now laying on the couch very seductively. She looks at him luring him in. He crawls his way to her. GUS (CONTÕD) Why Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me? Salma puts both hands to her chest. SALMA Why young man, whatever are you talking about? Gus picks up a shirt off the floor, puts it on, then takes it off slowly. GUS No Mrs. Robinson, I do believe youÕre trying to seduce me. SALMA Would you like me to seduce you? Is that what youÕre trying to tell me? Gus creeps his way unto the couch and unto her, theyÕre both staring at each other with lust. GUS I donÕt know about this Mrs. Robinson, you know IÕm in love with your daughter. SALMA Yeah, but sheÕs not here now, is she? Salma pushes Gus off of her, then pounces him. She bounds his arms with her legs. SALMA (CONTÕD) Time to earn your money baby. FADE TO: A FEW MONTHS AGO 41. INT. DEEDEEÕS LIVING ROOM - DAY A lighter is flicked on, the lighter moves closer to a bowl, a suction noise fills the otherwise silent room. The bud inside the bowl catches on fire and transforms itself into smoke. The smoke begins to fill the inside of the bong as the bubbly effect continues. The bowl is lifted releasing the smoke into MAYÕS lungs. He slowly releases the smoke, making donuts with it. MAY Yo D. How long have we known each other for now? DEEDEE takes the bong and finishes the rest of the bowl. DEEDEE Why? Did I forget our anniversary or something? MAY Naw, IÕm just curious. DEEDEE Yeah, but thereÕs gotta be a spark for the curiosity. May picks up a bag of weed fro the table where the bong sits. He begins to break some up. MAY Well, I just donÕt think IÕve been sober since I met you. DEEDEE WeÕve known each other for almost two years now, but honey, I donÕt think IÕve been sober since I was 13. MAY Oh donÕt get me wrong, IÕm not complaining or anything. I just think thatÕs pretty cool. He picks up some papers and a filter. DEEDEE IÕm glad youÕre glad. MAY IÕm not just glad, IÕm really happy that IÕve met you. I think youÕre greatness personified. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: May rolls up a joint. DEEDEE Why, thank you sweetie, that has got to be the single sweetest thing IÕve ever heard. Are you turning mushy on me? MAY Live through it awight. May walks over to the window with the almost closed blinds letting in stripes of light. He lights the joint and contemplates the moment. DEEDEE Is something on your mind candy cane? MAY IÕve just been thinking about us a lot lately and where this relationship is going. DEEDEE Honey child, if weÕre gonna have Ôthe talk.Õ Deedee reaches for a box next to the bag of weed, she pulls out a syringe. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) LetÕs have the talk right. Deedee waves the syringe in front of May luring him. MAY See, this is why, this is why, this is what IÕm talking about. This just feels, right. You know? DEEDEE What do you mean by this? MAY This, you and me, us, WE feel right! I love spending time with you, I hate most everybody else but you. Deedee looks at May with a look of disbelief and love all rolled into one. She wraps a cable around her upper bicep. (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: (2) DEEDEE Oh honey child, you donÕt have to. MAY Please, lemme just say this, while this weed is still in me. May wraps a belt around his upper bicep. DEEDEE K. IÕm sorry child. MAY IÕm a better person because of you. IÕve learned so much from you. I wish there was something I could do or say to show you exactly how I feel. May fills one of the syringes with heroin, then hands it to Deedee. He repeats the process but keeps the second one for himself. DEEDEE Are you trying to tell me, what I think youÕre trying to tell me? Deedee gets MayÕs arm ready for the injection. May gets down on one knee and hands Deedee a ring, she drives the needle into his veins. MAY Delilah Dali, will you complete me by becoming my wife? Deedee takes the ring, then proceeds to shooting up. DEEDEE Yeah, honey, I will. IÕll go with you to the bitter end. FADE TO: LAST WEEK INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - LATE NIGHT ThereÕs an open baggy with 6 pills left inside of it lying on the night stand by the left side of the bed. There are two figures under the sheets. (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: It appears as if one person is going down on the other. SALMA pulls the sheets off of herself. SALMA Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Gus pulls up from under her. GUS WhatÕs wrong baby doll? SALMA I donÕt know, something just feels, off. GUS Boy, you really know how to get a guy into it, huh? SALMA No, itÕs not you. You donÕt feel that? Gus looks down at his genitals. GUS IÕm feeling something. Gus tries to fondle her and she begins to get back into it, but then she stops. GUS (CONTÕD) Something the matter baby doll? SALMA I donÕt know, IÕm just feeling kinda off. You know IÕm an empath. GUS Anything I can do to make you feel better? SALMA You can come with me to AC for that thing that I have to do. GUS Consider it done. A smile comes across SalmaÕs face. Gus looks at her seductively and tries to go down on her again. She pulls him up immediately. (CONTINUED) 45. CONTINUED: (2) SALMA We should leave now and just make a weekend out of it. Gus looks down at himself hard. GUS But, but. Salma thinks about it for a moment. SALMA Will you be a doll and make us a couple of lines? Gus looks at his hard on with a sad look on his face. GUS But, but, but. Salma jumps off the bed, picks up a towel off the floor and walks towards the bathroom. SALMA Thanks Gussy. IÕm gonna hop in the shower. You can join me when youÕre done with the lines. If anybody calls just take a message and tell them IÕll call them back, maybe. GUS But, but. No problemo. Salma doesnÕt hear him anymore as she turns the shower on. Gus rolls over to the night stand next to the bed. On the night stand he finds the mirror with all the necessary materials for him and her to inhale something up their noses. Gus gets to work on cutting the lines in his usual manner when the phone suddenly rings. He lets it ring until the machine picks it up, though nobody leaves a message. The phone begins to ring again and he just lets it ring till the machine picks it up again. Gus continues to cut the lines. Right as he finishes cutting the fourth line, the phone rings a third time, only this time, Gus answers it. GUS (CONTÕD) Hello? Hellooo? A long pause which seems to go on forever is followed by a male voice. ItÕs HENRYÕS VOICE. (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: (3) HENRY Hi, I donÕt know if I have the right number or not, IÕm looking for Salma. GUS Naw, you got the right number, sheÕs not available right now, she said to take a message and sheÕll call you back, maybe. HENRY K. Could you tell her to give Henry a call? GUS No problemo. Gus hangs up the phone before Henry can say another thing. Gus looks at the piles of powder he calls lines, nodding in approval. He jumps off the bed to rush to the bathroom when Salma walks out with a towel wrapped around her. SALMA Are the lines ready? What took you so long? I thought you were gonna join me when you were done. GUS I just finished, but you go ahead, IÕm gonna take a shower too, before I do the lines. SALMA ThatÕs cool, I can wait, the E is still doing something, I think. IÕll just get a drink while I wait for you. Did anybody call? Gus starts the shower and peeps his head out of the bathroom. GUS Oh yeah, Henry called. He said to give him a call when you could. SalmaÕs turns a little frantic. SALMA What?! That fucker called?! And you answered?! What did he say? What did you say? (CONTINUED) 47. CONTINUED: (4) GUS Nothing, just that you werenÕt available and that you would call him back, maybe. SALMA How long have you been living with me now? On and off, like a month, right? And this is the first time heÕs called since. Oh no, hell no. Gus just stands there in between the bathroom and bedroom while the waterÕs still running. SALMA (CONTÕD) Oh IÕm sorry Gussy. Hop in the shower, this changes nothing. Gus gets into the shower. Salma picks up her phone and speed dials 2. The phone rings a couple of times before the other line picks up. SALMA (CONTÕD) Hey, yeah, did you just call? Oh nobody, just a friend IÕm going out with tonight. Where are you at? Oh is that so? Good for you and your friends. Salma listens for a moment when she begins to look for a touter. SALMA (CONTÕD) Why donÕt you come out with us tonight? No? Why canÕt you? I havenÕt seen you in like a month. You know what? Salma is forced to listen again while she still looks for the touter. SALMA (CONTÕD) Well, I have to go to AC for the weekend. You wanna come with me? Salma finally finds the touter. She gets louder and madder as the conversation progresses. SALMA (CONTÕD) Why canÕt you? ItÕs not like you have a real fucken job and I really want you to come with me. (CONTINUED) 48. CONTINUED: (5) Salma leans over to do her line, she doesnÕt do the two nostril process, she does the whole thing in one swift motion. When sheÕs done sheÕs furious from the conversation. SALMA (CONTÕD) Yeah, well why donÕt you tell me who that fucken bitch you were hanging around with on my fucken birthday is? WhatÕs the matter? Cat got your tongue? The shower stops running. Gus walks out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Salma points to Gus and brings a finger to her mouth as if to hush him. SALMA (CONTÕD) Yeah? Then why donÕt you ask HER to pay for your fucken art classes and fancy frigging car? Maybe I will ask him to come to AC with me. Salma hands Gus the touter with a wink. SALMA (CONTÕD) You know thereÕs people whom actually like to spend time with me. Gus does his pile of stuff in his usual melodramatic manner. SALMA (CONTÕD) Yeah, well IÕm sick of your shit. And let this be the last time that, hello? hello? Hello?! Oh no you didnÕt. Salma hangs up the phone then walks over to the seat next to Gus. GUS What was that about? SALMA I knew he wasnÕt gonna drop the fact that some strange guy answered my phone late at night, just like that. Gus hands her the touter, still rubbing his nose. GUS So you turned it around on him. (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: (6) SALMA Cocksactly! By the time he knows what hit him. WeÕll already be back from AC. GUS Genius. Salma shrugs. SALMA Hey, what can I say? GUS So we still leaving right now? SALMA Most definitely. Salma does her line and motions for Gus to do another round of lines. SALMA (CONTÕD) Think Jade would like to go? GUS IÕm sure she would love to go. IÕm really glad you guys hit it off. Gus gets to work on the lines. SALMA Yeah I bet you are. IÕll call her, just hurry up with those lines. FADE TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT A cell phone rings and HUGO picks it up. At the other end of the line is Deedee. CUT TO: INT. DEEDEEÕS BEDROOM - SAME TIME DEEDEE is in her bedroom. DEEDEE Hey whatÕs up Hugh. How you doing? BACK TO: 50. INT. BEDROOM - SAME TIME HUGO Deedee. My gurl. How you doing sexy? Me? Fine. Same old shit, different day, you know how it is. DEEDEE Cool, cool. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego now a days? HUGO IÕm at this producerÕs house. HeÕs like totally in love with me, so I figured IÕd drain him, you know? No one knows IÕm here, so keep that under your hat. DEEDEE Keep what under my hat? HUGO begins to look for something, but just canÕt seem to find it. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) HowÕs the modeling coming along? HUGO ModelingÕs been great. I actually just got signed for the ideal man campaign. IÕm really excited about it. DEEDEE Congratulations. A very fitting campaign if I may add. HUGO You may. DEEDEE What about the band? Hugo keeps rummaging through his stuff and finally he find the cigarette box with the joints heÕs been looking for. HUGO The bandÕs alright, we have a couple of local shows coming up in the coming months back in NY. You should come. DEEDEE Oh, fo show. (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: Hugo looks inside the cigarette box to find two left inside. He takes one out. HUGO Damn. Oh no, not you. ItÕs just that IÕm down to my last two joints. Since IÕve been trying to quit everything but the bud and the pills. DEEDEE I donÕt know why you would ever want to do a silly thing like that. But you know IÕll you up with all that when you come back. HUGO Yeah I know youÕll hook it up when I get back home next month. Hugo begins to look for something else. DEEDEE Time to change your schedule cosÕ your girl is getting married sooner than later. You just have to be thurr. HUGO No way! YouÕre getting married? YOU are getting married. When? With who? Hugo canÕt seem to find the lighter heÕs been looking for. He walks over to the other side of the room where a candle provides light to the room. DEEDEE In about a week. With that guy IÕve been seeing for about two years. His name is May. HUGO May huh? CanÕt say I remember him, but IÕm sure if I saw him I would recognize him. But fuck yeah, IÕm thurr, fucken forget about it. DEEDEE Changing the subject on you. Are you still doing that ritualistic cult stuff, you use to be so much into? (CONTINUED) 52. CONTINUED: (2) HUGO Naw, IÕm not doing that cult shit anymore. Too many morons without rhyme or reason for existing, you know? IÕm just doing my own thing now, so much better and freer. He uses the candle to light his joint. DEEDEE No reason, cosÕ I just met these kids who think theyÕre in a cult. ItÕs more like a club than a cult to me, theyÕre just really stupid, never mind. So you coming or what? HUGO You better believe it. IÕll start booking the flight as soon as I finish what I started here. DEEDEE K, Hugh, IÕll see ya here when you get here. HUGO Ciao dah-ling. They both hang up automatically. Hugo begins to play with the smoke off his joint. He walks over to the kitchen, then comes back with an ice pick and an ice bucket. He puts down the ice bucket (1/4 filled with ice) and the ice pick next to an empty rocks glass. He walks over to one of the liquor cabinets to grab a bottle of fine cognac. Hugo pours himself a glass of cognac, neat, then takes a sip. HUGO (CONTÕD) Wow! Deedee is getting married, can you believe that? We must be getting old. Oh IÕm sorry, I almost forgot. Hugo takes the ice pick, he slowly raises it high in the air, as if ready to pick something. HUGO (CONTÕD) You know, I just never thought IÕd see the day. (CONTINUED) 53. CONTINUED: (3) An older man is lying on his bed, bound at the arms and legs. HeÕs also severely beaten and gagged at the mouth, masking his muffled cries. HUGO (CONTÕD) But I guess neither did you, huh? Hugo drives the ice pick through each one of his eyes individually. He then proceeds to stabbing him 36 times in the torso. Hugo takes the bloody ice pick, breaks some ice from the bucket and pours it into his glass filling up 2/3 of the glass. He mixes the glass with the bloody ice pick in a circular motion. He watches the ice swirl the cognac and blood mix as he licks the ice pick. Finally he takes a sip of cognac. HUGO (CONTÕD) (in English accent) Aaaaaah, nothing like the sweet taste of bloody cognac. FADE TO: DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - MORNING ThereÕs a huge mess, even bigger than the one before, all over the place. Empty bottles of beer, wine, now even hard liquor are scattered all over. Mirrors, book tops, CD cases, are all turned on their side littered with leftover powder remains. Little veils are also scattered all over the place in various stages of completion. Pill bottles with the labels ripped off, but full of pills nonetheless. A big bag of weed with some papers and filters lies next to them. It seems like theyÕve set up camp in the living room. ThereÕs an inflatable mattress right smack in the middle of it. The blankets covers all which lie beneath it. There are two cell phones on the left side of the mattress. A cell phone rings, though it isnÕt one of the two on the left itÕs the one which is on the right. A hand emerges from the middle of the bed, reaching for the phone, SALMA is revealed from under the sheets as she picks up the phone. (CONTINUED) 54. CONTINUED: SALMA Hello, hellooo?! Hi, no this is the right number. Gus? HeÕs still asleep, you want me to wake him up? K, hold on. Salma starts shaking GUS whoÕs lying to her left. GUS What? What? What? SALMA ItÕs your phone, some guy. A womanÕs whine can be heard in the back. Gus shakes his head and rubs his eyes before he answers the phone. GUS Hello. Naw itÕs cool. What time is it anyway? Oh damn, what are you doing up so early? Right, right. Hold on a sec. Gus steps off the mattress, walking over the closest mirror with two veils on top of it. He finds a glass pipe next to mirror still full of meth. He lights it up with one of three lighters lying next to it. GUS (CONTÕD) No, itÕs really no problem bro. We probably need to get up anyway. Everything OK with you though? Yeah? Cool, cool. Gus takes another long drag, this time he plays with the smoke. He looks at Salma and JADE lying on the mattress. GUS (CONTÕD) Naw, I wouldnÕt miss it for the world. Sorry to hear about the fam, though. I know it meant a lot to you. Gus lights up again, taking the biggest hit yet. GUS (CONTÕD) What?! Definitely bro. I would love to be your best man. Oh fo shizo dizzo. It would really be an honor. Totally, totally, IÕll bring the girls. Lates. Salma seats up on the couch, next to Gus. Jade pulls the covers closer to her. (CONTINUED) 55. CONTINUED: (2) SALMA Who was that? GUS ThatÕs my boy May. You know the one whoÕs getting married? SALMA Oh yeah, your best friend from high school, right? The one you talk to on the phone every now and again. GUS ThatÕs the one. Jade tosses and turns on the bed, wanting to go back to sleep. SALMA Everything OK? GUS Everything is peachy fucken keen. He just asked me to be his best man. SALMA Oh yeah? ThatÕs so optimal. Jade finally gives in and sits up, looking at the clock reading 11:45 am. JADE WhatÕs so optimal? Jade motions Gus for the pipe. GUS May just asked me to be his best man. Gus goes over to Jade, handing her the pipe. JADE Something happen to the original best man? GUS I donÕt know, something about his parents not coming to the wedding or something. (CONTINUED) 56. CONTINUED: (3) SALMA Bummer. HeÕs still going through with it? Jade takes an even bigger hit than Gus did. She too plays with the smoke which she generated. GUS Yup. He says itÕs gonna be an ultra small, yet cool gathering. He actually invited us over for dinner with him and Deedee. SALMA I would never forgive my mom if she didnÕt come to my wedding. I mean I know my dad would be there in spirit but still, I would need my mom there physically too. Salma motions Gus to make a line. He immediately goes to work on it. GUS I thought you didnÕt like your mom. IsnÕt she always trying to take advantage the inheritance your dad left you? SALMA I donÕt like her most of the time, and she totally does. But still, sheÕs my mom. You know? I would never turn my back on her just cosÕ she can be a greedy bitch. JADE I agree, no matter how big of a nag my mom has been. SheÕs been to every single one of my weddings. GUS Yeah but were an only child. You didnÕt have a mom who showed favoritism toward your sister. SALMA Still that wouldnÕt matter. Not everybody grew up in a perfect nuclear family with the white picket fence on the yard, like some people I know. Gus motions Jade for the pipe. Jade gets up to hand it over right after she takes another drag. (CONTINUED) 57. CONTINUED: (4) JADE SheÕs right. That still wouldnÕt change the fact that I would want her to be there. GUS No need to get any wrinkles about ladies. I agree with you. I would definitely want my parents to be at my wedding too. Gus points at Jade to see if she wants a line as well. She makes a Ōwhat do you thinkĶ face, he simply nods in agreement. GUS (CONTÕD) If my parents cannot, however take two days off their busy ass schedule to accommodate what might arguably be the most important day of my life, then fuck Ôem. Both Jade and Salma seem to agree as they both nod and remain silent. Jade lights the glass pipe for Gus as he finishes cutting up six huge lines for all of them. Gus plays with the smoke as he hands Salma the touter. Salma does half with one nostril and the other half with the other nostril. SALMA Thanks babe. I really donÕt mean to jump down your throat. ItÕs just that youÕve got people from high school calling you and I canÕt even get Henry to call. Salma hands Jade the touter. JADE You are way too good for that shit, honey. GUS ItÕs to-ta-lee his lost baby doll. DonÕt take this the wrong way, but IÕm glad heÕs an asshole. Otherwise, we wouldnÕt be able to hang out as often. SALMA ThatÕs so sweet, but at the same time, hey! (CONTINUED) 58. CONTINUED: (5) Jade does her line in one swift motion. She holds up her nostril after doing the line, though she doesnÕt whine. JADE Totally! You think IÕm at home, waiting for this fucken guy? Hells no! Jade hands Gus the touter, she sits next to Salma with her arm around her. GUS What?! Have I been a bad boy? Are you gonna punish me? He does his line in the usual manner, swiftly then acting as if it burns to high heaven. Gus puts the mirror away, then leans back bringing both his wrist together as if handcuffed. GUS (CONTÕD) CosÕ you know, I might like that. FADE TO: INT. CASSIEÕS BEDROOM - MORNING HUGO wakes up in a cold sweat, protecting himself. HUGO Noooooooooo! Hugo is half sitting, trying to catch his breath. He looks to his left and sees CASSIE getting up, concerned. CASSIE Hey baby, are you OK? Did you have another one of your infamous nightmares? Hugo reaches for his cigarette, takes out a joint, lights it fast, then relishes the first hit. HUGO Yeah but IÕm fine. IÕm sorry I woke you up pookie. CASSIE ThatÕs alright pookie. I needed to get up early to open the cafe today anyway. (CONTINUED) 59. CONTINUED: HUGO YouÕre going to work? I havenÕt seen you in over a month and youÕre going to work? Cassie sits up on the bed with her feet dangling above the floor. CASSIE Yeah baby, but not all of us are high priced supermodels, you know? Some of us have businesses to run. HUGO But pookie bear, I missed you. CASSIE I missed you too cabbage patch. IÕm already gonna close the cafe early tomorrow to cater your friendÕs party tomorrow. ThereÕs still a lot I need to care to. Hugo goes to the opposite side of the bed, pouting. HUGO Why donÕt you have Natalie take care of it for you? ThatÕs what she gets paid for, no? To be your manager. CASSIE Yeah pookie, but you know she doesnÕt have the experience yet to deal with an emergency. And when it comes to catering itÕs like MurphyÕs law, you know? Cassie works her way to his side of the bed, being playful with him. She puts her face right in front of him to find him looking like a sentimental kid who didnÕt get his way. HUGO You didnÕt miss me as much as I missed you. CASSIE DonÕt say that pookie. You know youÕre the most important person in my life right now. Some of us live in the real world. And out here we have responsibilities. Cassie lifts HugoÕs face and looks deep into his eyes. (CONTINUED) 60. CONTINUED: (2) HUGO Look, I know all about the struggle, OK? You know I do. I just wished I mattered more than your business. CASSIE No, you just wish, you had your way, all the time. How bout I make it up to you? Hugo looks up with curious interest. HUGO What did you have in mind? Cassie leans down, getting closer to Hugo. She gets her nose right up to his nose, but doesnÕt touch him. CASSIE How bout, next weekend, after the wedding. I leave Natalie in charge, after all, she is a manager. Then you and I take off for the whole weekend? HUGO You serious? I would love that! Cassie claps her hands with content and stands up straight. CASSIE ItÕs settled then. Now I have to jump in the shower before I make myself late. Will you make us some breakfast sunshine? HUGO For you? Anything pookie. CASSIE Thanks a lot sunshine. You know what I like. Cassie kisses Hugo gently on the forehead. He tricks her into a kiss on the lips and she lets him. Cassie walks into the bathroom closing the door behind her, but not locking it. Hugo walks over to the kitchen. FADE TO: 61. INT. CASSIEÕS DINING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER CASSIE and HUGO are having breakfast, sheÕs wearing a bathrobe and heÕs wearing nothing but boxer shorts. Cassie reads the paper, while Hugo reads an entertainment magazine. Hugo made a light breakfast, with soy milk, orange juice and coffee to drink. CASSIE Can you believe this shit? HUGO Believe what shit pookie? CASSIE The legal racial profiling which is going on in our country in this day and age. HUGO We gotta protect our borders from those job stealing dirty illegals. Cassie stares at Hugo in disbelief with an unfamiliar anger. CASSIE IÕm gonna do us both a favor and try to ignore that comment, mostly because some of my family were dirty illegals at some point. But you cannot tell me you agree with it. HUGO Agree with what? This new law in Arizona? Most definitely. We donÕt need any more mouths to feed. There isnÕt enough to feed who we have here already. Real Americans. CASSIE As to oppose to fake Americans? ItÕs this kind of thinking which leads to further political conflict which eventually leads to even more war. Cassie is absolutely livid at this point and sheÕs not even trying to conceal it anymore. (CONTINUED) 62. CONTINUED: CASSIE (CONTÕD) More countries are getting away with genocide all over the world, and weÕd been stuck fighting another Vietnam for years. For no fucken reason. Hugo takes a sip of his juice. HUGO ItÕs the balance of life. Cassie puts down her paper with disbelief, looking at Hugo. CASSIE WhatÕs the balance of life? War and useless death? HUGO Think about it sunshine. The world is already over populated enough as it is. Sometime war is necessary to, you know, balance out the scales. Both seem to be finished with their food, Cassie picks up the plates and takes them to the kitchen sink. CASSIE Am I actually hearing you say these words to me? HUGO I hate to burst your protective bubble pookie, but itÕs true. Hugo walks over to the kitchen. HUGO (CONTÕD) In order for there to be new life; which contrary to reason, people keep bringing into this world every single fucken day. Then, there has got to be death. Hugo pauses, looking at her do the dishes. HUGO (CONTÕD) There just has to be. (CONTINUED) 63. CONTINUED: (2) CASSIE Yeah but life already provides us enough death naturally, without us looking for it. Hugo pours himself another glass of juice. HUGO You canÕt tell me, you havenÕt walked down the street thinking to yourself, this world would be much better off without a lot of these idiots out there. CASSIE No I really havenÕt, you know I have a very irenic spirit. Hugo automatically backs up, raising his arms in self defense. HUGO Hey pookie pie, IÕm not the one who took us to war. IÕm sorry if I said something to offend you. Cassie finishes the dishes and walks over to Hugo, hugging him wholeheartedly. CASSIE YouÕre right. IÕm so sorry sunshine. I didnÕt mean to take it out on you. You know I have family in the military and these sort of news always upset me. Hugo pulls Cassie closer to him, kissing her on the cheek, very tenderly and lovingly. HUGO How bout you let me take you to work today? That way I get to be with you until the very last second I donÕt have to. Cassie smiles coyly and flirtatiously. CASSIE How can I refuse such an enticing offer? Especially when it comes from the new ÔIdeal Man.Õ Hugo dust fake dirt off his shoulders, smiling very cockily. (CONTINUED) 64. CONTINUED: (3) HUGO YouÕd be a fool to, I fool I tell ya. Cassie caresses his shoulders lightly. CASSIE And a fool I am not. I gotta finish getting ready. Cassie walks out of the kitchen, through the living room and back to the kitchen; undoing her robe in the process. As she reaches the door to the bedroom, she looks back at Hugo seductively. She lets one of the shoulders become bare. CASSIE (CONTÕD) Wanna join? HugoÕs drooling with excitement, gawking at her. He nods yes, a thousand times yes. She lets the robe fall to the ground. CUT TO: EXT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - MORNING HUGO parks his car directly in front of the cafe. Hugo walks around the car to get the door for CASSIE. Cassie gets out of the car, he closes the door. Hugo notices a HISPANIC LOOKING BUM loitering in front of the cafe. Cassie and Hugo walk by not noticing him. HUGO You sure I canÕt talk you into playing hookey with me? Last chance. CASSIE As much as I want to pookie, you know I canÕt. They get to the front gate of the Beautiful People Cafe. Cassie opens both the gate and the door. They leave the door unlocked as they walk in. TRACKING SHOT THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR INT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - SAME TIME CASSIE walks into the restaurant through the front door, HUGO right behind her. (CONTINUED) 65. CONTINUED: CASSIE You want anything pookie, coffee, latte, shot? HUGO No, IÕm straight pookie pie. I should probably let you go. I know youÕre now running late because of me. ItÕs not like weÕre not gonna see each other again, right? Hugo walks over to hug and kiss Cassie, she kisses him back and locks the door behind her. TRACKING SHOT THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR BACK OUTSIDE EXT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - SAME TIME HUGO takes out a joint right in front of the door. Looks around, lights it up and contemplates the moment. As he starts to walk down the stairs, the HISPANIC LOOKING BUM approaches him. LOCO is front of HUGO with his hand extended forward, asking for a handout. LOCO Hey, you got any money to spare ey? HUGO What the fuck do I look like? Good fucken will? Hugo takes a long drag off his joint before blowing the smoke in LocoÕs face. HUGO (CONTÕD) Lemme ask you something. How many fucken people do you beg on a daily basis? Loco still has his arm extended out listening to Hugo. Hugo takes another drag and blows more smoke in LocoÕs face. LocoÕs fists begin to tighten. HUGO (CONTÕD) You fucken people play the odds. If out of a thousand people you got a dollar from ten percent of them, thatÕs a hundo spot a day. In a city like New York, well. (CONTINUED) 66. CONTINUED: LOCO WhatÕs your point? A police car cruises by, both Loco and Hugo try to look friendly. HUGO My point is, I wouldnÕt give you money even if I had it to spare, which I do. You wanna know why? LOCO Why? Hugo leans closer to Loco and says very clearly to his face after blowing more smoke in his face. HUGO Because I donÕt like dirty, greasy, freeloading, wet backed beaners. Loco is stunned by what Hugo just said, heÕs clenching his fists extremely hard at this point but notices the cop car on the opposite corner. Hugo flicks the half finished joint at Loco, laughing out loud as he gets into his fancy car. Loco points at Hugo as if saying Ônext time.Õ As soon as Hugo drives off, Loco looks around and picks up the joint Hugo just flicked at him. FADE TO: EXT. DREAM SEQUENCE - DAY DEEDEE and MAY are running through a beautiful, long field of grass. They are both holding hands as they begin to spin around and around joyfully. They clear skies turn quickly gray as they begin to sink into the twister of their twirling motion. Deedee suddenly disappears and May is left all alone sinking into a deep, dark hole. FADE TO: DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY INT. DEEDEEÕS BEDROOM - DAY DEEDEE and TD are breaking drugs up, weighting them out and putting them into smaller baggies and containers. (CONTINUED) 67. CONTINUED: TD is breaking up the weed into eights, measuring 3.5 gms. Deedee is breaking the coke and meth into eight balls. SheÕs also breaking up the pills and the heroine. TD wipes his hands clean as he reaches for the bong, filling it up with the left over pile of herb on the table. Deedee looks at him doubtfully. DEEDEE Tell me youÕre done before you start doing that. TD I am. Are you? TD lights up the bong till itÕs filled with smoke. He releases the carb letting all the smoke into his lungs and clearing the bowl in the process. DEEDEE Yeah awight. Handed ova when youÕre done hitting it. TD Are you ready bagging your shit? Sheeat! I donÕt think so. Deedee tries to force the bong from his hands, although TD is just a dash too fast for her. DEEDEE Just give me the fucken bong when you hit it, AWIGHT! TD Naw, ah, ah, temper, temper. TD reloads the bowl, twice as big as the first one, then hands it to his older sibling. Deedee lights it up, taking the entire bowl into her lungs in one huge hit. She takes a little too much than her veteran lungs can handle and ends up choking on the smoke. TD (CONTÕD) Damn sis! Nigga take it ez. Nervous about the wedding much? Deedee gives the bong back to TD, then forges ahead with finishing her bagging duties. (CONTINUED) 68. CONTINUED: (2) DEEDEE WouldnÕt you be? DonÕt get fucken wrong, I love May with all my hearth and all. I mean, heÕs like the perfect guy for me in every sense of the word. TD Why? CosÕ you can mold him anyway you see fit? Deedee picks up a pre-packed bullet and sniffs a quick hit. DEEDEE Naw hatarator. CosÕ heÕs like the fucken nicest guy in the fucken world. And heÕs like super sweet to me. TD Then whatÕs the problem nigga? DEEDEE I donÕt know. I just have this feeling like somethingÕs gonna rain on my parade, or something. Deedee finishes bagging the last of the product. She separates the three different powders into their respective boxes. The pills into their own separate box. TD fills another bowl on the bong and takes a hit, pondering. TD You ask me, I think youÕre just having cold feet. ItÕs totally normal, I think, cosÕ IÕve heard of other people having cold feet and shit. DEEDEE You ainÕt heard it from nobody but the muthafucken TV. Although, youÕre probably right. Hey lilÕ bro, will you be a darling and hand your big sis a spoon? Deedee rubs her inner shoulder up and down. TD ArenÕt you gonna go get your wedding dress right now? Deedee shoot him a ÔduhÕ look. (CONTINUED) 69. CONTINUED: (3) DEEDEE ThatÕs why I wanna shoot up right now. Before I have to go out and face the world. TD Gotcha. TD goes to the kitchen to fetch her a silver soup spoon, which he comes back into the room quickly with. TD (CONTÕD) Here you go sis. Hey, you gonna invite mom to your little shindig? DEEDEE Hells fuck no! Are you fucken kidding me?! Why in the world would I want that cracked out whore thurr? So she can make an ass in front of everyone we know? TD Yeah but, sheÕs our mom dude. I know if I ever get married, heaven forbid, I would want her thurr. TD hands Deedee the spoon and she quickly pours some heroine into it. DEEDEE You see lilÕ bro. ThatÕs the difference between you and me. TD WhatÕs that? DEEDEE That I care about what other people think about me. FADE TO: EXT. DREAM SEQUENCE - DAY SALMA is standing on top of a building overlooking the city. She walks to the edge of the building, contemplating the distance between the top and the ground. (CONTINUED) 70. CONTINUED: Salma then looks up and spreads her arms as if sheÕs gonna start flying at any moment. At the bottom she can see GUS, waving at her to jump and start flapping. FADE TO: INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - EVENING JADE, SALMA and GUS are all sitting around a coffee table, about to drink something which looks like water. ItÕs poured into three big shot glasses. GUS And then what happens? SALMA Nothing. I woke up. GUS IÕm kinda flattered that youÕre having dreams about me, I guess. But, what do you think it means? Salma and Jade both tell Gus simultaneously to fetch them some powder with a hand gesture to the nose. GUS (CONTÕD) ItÕs coming, damn! Chill women. SALMA I donÕt really know what it means. But I have been neglecting my spiritual callings lately. I havenÕt even fed my dadÕs altar in almost two months now. GUS ItÕs not like heÕs gonna starve to death. Jade kicks Gus from under the table, he rubs it with a painful look in his face. SALMA Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Look, I know youÕre an atheist and all, and IÕm really sorry about that. But the spiritual world is something you cannot deny. Gus gets up from the table, still rubbing his shin. He gets a container labeled simply as K, then comes back to the table. (CONTINUED) 71. CONTINUED: GUS Of course I can deny it. Watch me. ItÕs all bullshit, thereÕs no such thing as one all mighty powerful God. See how easy that was. Jade makes a Ôhere we go againÕ face. SALMA YouÕre right. ThereÕs more than one entity which make up the concept of God. Salma looks at Gus, who momentarily stopped cutting the lines because of the conversation. SALMA (CONTÕD) You working or just talking? GUS Oops, sorry. JADE Must we drive over this bridge again? Gus pours down some of the coke on the table from one of the vials and mixes it with some of the K vial. He begins to cut three huge lines with the combination of the two. GUS Where were we? Oh yeah. ItÕs hard enough to get me to believe in one God, but you start talking about multiple Gods, thatÕs just fucken crazy talk. Jade gets up to get a couple beers from the fridge. SALMA Why is that so crazy? Huh? Why is it so easy to believe in one all mighty entity, but so far fetched to believe in more than one God? Gus does a quick job separating the piles into lines. GUS CosÕ! It just is. SALMA But why? You wanna know why? CosÕ society has shoved it down your throat that there is only one. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 72. CONTINUED: (2) SALMA (CONT'D) Fucken Christianity! Had to ruin it for everybody. Jade comes back with two fulls beers and a half empty one, which sheÕs downing as sheÕs walking back to the table. GUS DonÕt look at me for answers. I donÕt even believe in one God. YouÕre really not gonna get me to believe your theory on multiple Gods, no matter how high I am. Gus finally finishes separating the three piles, he looks for the touter. SALMA I wish there was some way I could show you what I see. Jade finishes her beer, hands one to Salma, then begins to drink the third one. With their free hands, Salma and Jade take a different touter from Gus, he keeps one for himself. Gus gets up to get a beer of his own. Jade is already downing the second beer, he brings back two beer with him, he hands one to Jade as he sits down. GUS I know a way to show you all what I see. Gus pushes one of the shot glasses towards Salma, one towards Jade and one for himself. He raises his shot glass, the ladies follow. GUS (CONTÕD) Awwwright. Here we go ladies. To GHB meets CK One. SALMA Sure to what you just said. JADE IÕll drink to that. They all take their respective shots, washing it down with their respective beers. They quickly follow it up with simultaneous line snorting. FADE TO: 73. EXT. DREAM SEQUENCE - DAWN JADE, SALMA and GUS are walking down an empty city street. GUS (V.O.) Where was his mighty presence when all the tragedies which make up out history occurred? Was he but taking a break when one of our loved ones for no good reason was raped, beat, kidnapped or murdered? They keep walking down the empty street until the reach the footsteps of a cathedral. GUS (V.O.) (CONTÕD) Am I expected to believe the word of an ancient fabled book, congested with generalizations applicable in many a periods of time? Is the lifestyle I choose evil or wrong? Simply because according to you, it does not apply. Jade and Salma disappear as Gus walks into the cathedral. GUS (V.O.) (CONTÕD) Why give me a mind of my own? One that has freedom of thought and craves the unknown. Why provide me with this need? Only to restrict my skill. Why give me these urges? So you can condemn me for wanting it at will. Gus walks all the way to the front where a lot of candles are lit. GUS (V.O.) (CONTÕD) Would it be logical for me to live a life restricted and suppressed by conventionalities, lacking in fun in this lifetime or this reality? Am I to wait till after my death to enjoy the Eden which lies beyond our filthy, sinful cities? Gus gets closer to the candles, he begins to blow them all out. (CONTINUED) 74. CONTINUED: GUS (V.O.) (CONTÕD) How sorry are we to depend on those child molesters who hide under their robes of black and white? Are they really holier than you and I? Have we as a race advance so little as a whole? Are we so incompetent and savage, we feel compelled to believe at all? All the candles go out. FADE TO: YESTERDAY INT. DEEDEEÕS LIVING ROOM - EVENING DEEDEE is trying on her black wedding gown in front of a full sized mirror in her living room. She twirls around in the dress with excitement. She studies herself in every conceivable pose in front of the mirror when a knock is heard on the door. She tiptoes to the door, peeps through the hole, itÕs HUGO. She quickly opens the door, very excited. HUGO Deeds! WhatÕs up gurl! DEEDEE Hugo! Ma nigga! They hug and kiss each other on the lips, maybe a little bit too long. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) You made it! ThatÕs uber cool. ItÕs been a long ass time, right? Wow! You look amazing. Deedee checks him out, he does a little catwalk turn as he walks in locking the door behind him. HUGO Thanks gorgeous! Did I catch you at a bad time, though? You look like youÕre getting ready to go somewhere. (CONTINUED) 75. CONTINUED: DEEDEE Naw, naw, naw. I was just trying out my wedding gown. What do you think honey child? She strikes a pose, he checks her out from head to toe, judiciously. HUGO Damn gurl! You be looking fine. IÕm thinking your fiance should change his name to lucky, last name bastard. DEEDEE Ha, ha. Thanks honey child. Sit down, please relax. IÕm gonna slip into something a lilÕ bit more comfortable and hospitable. Get yourself a drink or something. Deedee hugs Hugo again with excitement. HUGO Careful what you say to me, I might just take it literally. DEEDEE I wouldnÕt expect anything less from you, sugar. Be right back. Deedee walks into her bedroom, Hugo walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge, which is liquid diet friendly, all the way. He helps himself to one of the many bottles of water housed within the confinements of the fridge. Hugo begins to walk around the room, checking out the pictures and the decor. Deedee walks out sooner than later with nothing but shorts and a half tank top. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) So whatÕs up child? Watchabeenupto? WhatÕs new in Hugoland? Tell me everything worth telling. HUGO Dude, where to begin? Europe was absolutely fabulous, as per yoosh. I mean, Rome was great. Italian women are by far, the hottest women in the world. (CONTINUED) 76. CONTINUED: (2) Deedee grabs Hugo by the hand, walking him to the couch as he speaks. DEEDEE Here, sit down honey. IÕm so sorry, I must seem like a horrible hostess. You want anything for the brain or anything? HUGO Does a whino want a drink at noon? Hells fuck yeah! What you got gurl? DEEDEE Shit nigga! Whatchaneed? Hugo sinks deep into the couch, she stands in front of him. HUGO Oh like that, huh? DEEDEE Fo show, shit! IÕll even hook ya up for free. (she pauses for a second) Well, I donÕt know about that. Deedee winks at Hugo seductively as she rubs her legs in between the inside of his legs. HUGO That wonÕt be necessary gurl. Shit, as if you donÕt know me. Hugo takes out thick role of hundred dollar bills, held together by a rubber band about to reach its breaking point from the pressure of the roll, setting it on the table. HUGO (CONTÕD) Just get me a monthÕs worth of the shit you know I like, minus the triple O, shit. DEEDEE You sure about that? Got some serial quadruple, quadrapoll shit. Hugo leans closer to her, rubbing the inside of her thighs. (CONTINUED) 77. CONTINUED: (3) HUGO Yeah, IÕm trying to cut down on all the hardcore shit. You know with the modeling and band and all. They really donÕt want me to gain or lose too much weight. DEEDEE You donÕt like the drugs but the drugs, they like you? HUGO Yeah, something like that. DEEDEE ThatÕs cool, honey child. IÕll be right back. Deedee walks into her bedroom and comes back out with three of her famous boxes. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) Here. These should hold over the month. Deedee hands him the three boxes. He opens them giddily. One of the boxes has three ounces of three different kinds of quality herbs. The second box has six different pill containers, Soma, Valium, Xanax, Vicoden, Ecstacy and opium. The third, he opens and smiles very broadly, though weÕll never see whatÕs in it. HUGO Is that? DEEDEE Yup. HUGO Oh no. DEEDEE Oh yeah. HUGO Thank you dah-ling. Hugo leans closer to her and kisses her on the lips, she kisses him back. DEEDEE Anything for you ma boy. HUGO I might hold you up to that. (CONTINUED) 78. CONTINUED: (4) DEEDEE I wouldnÕt expect anything less from ya. Deedee looks coyly at Hugo. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) So hughey, how was Europe? HUGO Oh you know. FADE TO: EXT. RAINY OPEN FIELD - LATE NIGHT HUGO seems to be digging a hole in some open, wooded field. ThereÕs what appears to be a chopped up body in a trash bag. The head has its separate bag. FADE TO: EXT. BRIDGE OVER A RIVER - LATE NIGHT HUGO is driving a small, eurocar over a bridge, he pause right smack in the middle. He opens the trunk, pulls out several small bags, each holding a different body part. Each one of the bags is tied to huge rock. Hugo takes the bags out and dumps them over the river. FADE TO: INT. HOUSE - LATE NIGHT Hugo is pouring what appears to be gasoline over a pair of dead bodies, while smoking a joint. FADE TO: INT. DEEDEEÕS LIVING ROOM - EVENING Hugo keeps looking at Deedee expectantly. HUGO There wonÕt be any fucking hipsters at this fucking shindig will there? CosÕ you know, thatÕs where I draw the line. (CONTINUED) 79. CONTINUED: DEEDEE Well, you know this fucking guy knows nothing but hipsters. And we do live in the Burg, there are just bound to be a few dirty, filthy hipsters stragglers lingering about. Deedee takes out a pre-rolled joint from a box sitting on the coffee table in the living room. She hands it to Hugo, he takes it as she lights it for him. He nods gratefully, she dismisses him as if it was nothing. Deedee fetches a couple of beers from the fridge. HUGO You trying to butter me up with a joint because IÕm gonna have to rub elbows with those pretentious douchebags. DEEDEE Tell me about it. I have to deal with their bullshit on a daily basis. ItÕs like IÕm too cool for my own fucking good. HUGO I know, itÕs like get over your fucking self. YouÕre still a fucking server or a fucking bartender or taco stand dude. Spare me with your bad attitude. DEEDEE Totally. ItÕs like theyÕre wanna be hippies with all the dirty aspects of them and bad fashion sense, though with none of the love. HUGO For sure. You have this pretentious unjustified sense of accomplishment. Deedee hands Hugo an open beer, he takes it willingly enough. Deedee works her way under HugoÕs arm on the couch as she sits closer to him. She raises her drink to his. DEEDEE Cheers! To your homecoming. HUGO Fuck that! To your wedding gurrl! (CONTINUED) 80. CONTINUED: (2) DEEDEE IÕll drink to that. They cheers, look at each other on the eyes, then take a big gulp from their respective beers. HUGO Which reminds me. WhereÕs the hubby to be? They are almost all over each other. DEEDEE What time is it? Hugo looks at his watch. HUGO 06:36. Why? Deedee jumps over Hugo, putting his legs in between hers as she looks down on him. DEEDEE CosÕ that means that the hubby to be will probably be with his best man to be. They begin to make out. FADE TO: EXT. THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - EVENING MAY pulls up to the same spot where Hugo had parked when he dropped of Cassie. He gets out, locking the car. LOCO is still standing in the same spot he was standing when Hugo walked out. Loco walks up to May with his hand already extended. Loco speaks with a California accent. LOCO Hey, whatÕs up Ey. You got any change to spare, I really need to score some drugs. You know? I ainÕt gonna lie. May was already digging into his wallet. He takes out a $20 dollar bill and hands it to him. MAY Here bro. For being honest. Help yourself to whatever you can get with that. (CONTINUED) 81. CONTINUED: LOCO Hope you have a great night ey. Good looking out. MAY You have a good night my man. Loco walks around the corner to the cross street with the cafe. May walks up the stairs into the cafe. TRACKING SHOT INTO THE CAFE INT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - SAME TIME MAY walks into the cafe where a gorgeous hostess greets him with a smile. May smiles back as he looks around the cafe. There are three small parties of 2 and 3 people scattered throughout the cafe. May automatically locates his table, the same table they were in last time in the corner by the main street. May waves at GUS, SALMA and JADE who are already drinking and waving at him. He also waves at CASSIE, whoÕs behind the bar, she waves back. May walks over to their table. Gus gets up when May gets to the table, they hug as they greet. GUS WhatÕs up playa? Long time no fucken see, huh? MAY I know, right? ItÕs been like what, a couple months? GUS Too long, mon amie, too long. Oh, IÕm sorry. May this is Salma, Salma this is May. And you know Jade. MAY WhatÕs sup Salma, hey whatÕs up Jade. May shakes SalmaÕs hand and kisses Jade on the cheeks. JADE WhatÕs up May. MAY Oh you know. Same O, same o. (CONTINUED) 82. CONTINUED: Gus sits back down, next to Salma. Cassie walks up to the table, her and Gus kiss and greet. Jade motions Gus for a smoke, Gus taps May for a smoke, he quickly produces his cigarette/joint box and hands it to Gus. CASSIE May, howÕs it going? MAY ItÕs going well, thanks for asking. How you doing Sassy? CASSIE IÕm fabulous. You ready for the big day tomorrow? CosÕ weÕre all ready to go here. MAY Yeah IÕm ready. Here. Cassie this is Gus, my best man, and these are Salma and Jade. CASSIE Hi, IÕm Cassie. Everyone waves at Cassie, she waves back. Gus hands Jade a joint, lighting it for her, she nods gratefully. CASSIE (CONTÕD) You guys need anything? MAY Another round of whatever theyÕre having and IÕll have an inocente silver Margarita. CASSIE On the rocks with salt? MAY Lots of salt, say thankya. CASSIE Be right back. Cassie walks back behind the bar and gets the bartender started on their drinks. May takes his seat right next to Gus, facing Jade whoÕs next to Salma on the opposite side of Gus. GUS So May, youÕre really doing it huh? YouÕre really getting married? (CONTINUED) 83. CONTINUED: (2) MAY I know can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were ditching class to get high at Sumio TaikoÕs pad. GUS Wow! Sumio Taiko? ThatÕs a blast from the past. I wonder whatever happened to her. MAY I heard she married a senator or something. May digs into his box, pulling out a joint for himself. Gus turns to Salma and Jade. GUS Sumio Taiko was this really smoking hot, Japanese exchange student from Tokyo. She was a fucken trip. MAY ThatÕs an understatement. She was a fucken trip and a half. To call her a trip would be like calling Elton John kinda gay, or OJ kinda guilty or MJ kinda weird. SALMA You know how Gus is. HeÕs always talking things down, nothing is too much for him. JADE ThatÕs for damn sure. May sparks up his joint as Jade takes a big drag off hers. May nods in agreement. MAY Yeah thatÕs true dude. GUS What can I say? IÕm not easily impressionable. So sue me for having high standards and raising the bar. Both Salma and Jade roll their eyes. The drinks arrive to the table. NATALIE sits them down on the table, distributing them. Cassie is right behind her, she stands next to May. (CONTINUED) 84. CONTINUED: (3) MAY Thanks Sassy. May offers the joint, she looks around the almost empty cafe, then sneaks a toke. CASSIE Thanks, I needed that. MAY Why donÕt you join us? May pulls up the nearest chair next to him. Cassie looks around again. CASSIE You know, the books are empty, itÕs a helluva slow night. Fuck it, IÕm gonna close early and join you. WhatÕs the point of owning a place if you canÕt enjoy it? MAY Huh? SALMA Amen to that. JADE IÕll second that motion. CASSIE Lemme just clear these tables and the staff, be back in a few. Cassie walks to the back to talk to her staff. FADE TO: INT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - LATER ThereÕs a couple empty bottles of wine littering the table, along with empty shot glasses and Margarita glasses. CASSIE, JADE, SALMA, GUS and MAY are each still nursing a full drink. SALMA But you have to appreciate the complexity which the beauty of his artwork radiates with. HeÕs unlike anything that preceded him or anything which has come after him. (CONTINUED) 85. CONTINUED: MAY I couldnÕt agree more with you, even if I tried. HeÕs work is so, so. WhatÕs the word IÕm looking for? The other four look at each other for an answer. After a moment Salma takes a stab at it. SALMA Emotional? MAY No. CASSIE Chaotically well structured? MAY Yes! Thank you. He points out the patterns emanated from what is seemingly perceived as random equations. Jade shoots Gus a glance, then brings the back of her hand to her nose as if to instruct him to start making some lines. He doesnÕt notice her. SALMA He shows you the dots for you to connect, but you have to know what youÕre looking for in order to get it. JADE Personally, itÕs all a lot of bullshit to me. I mean that whole Andy Warhol mentality that thereÕs art in everything, I just donÕt buy it. Jade shoots Gus another glance with her hand to her nose. This time he does notice and nods. MAY But, weÕre not talking about Andy Warhol. JADE Still. ItÕs that kind of mentality which spawned reality television. Gus digs into his pockets for his vials, actually her vials. (CONTINUED) 86. CONTINUED: (2) GUS I agree with Jade. People just need to find better things to occupy themselves with. Truth is everybodyÕs lost, weÕre all just pretending not to be. Salma notices Gus looking for something. SALMA What are you looking for Gussy? (to Jade) WhatÕs he looking for? Jade brings her hand to her nose. SALMA (CONTÕD) Oh please, continue. Gus finds the two vials he was looking for and hands them to May. May shows Cassie the vials asking if she wants one, she nods yes. May makes his way to the bathroom. CASSIE You know what IÕm looking for? SALMA WhatÕs that? CASSIE Balance. Jade and Gus look at each other. Gus is already clearing the table from all the clutter. GUS Balance? What the hell does that mean? Balance of what? SALMA I know exactly what you mean. ItÕs a constant struggle of mine. Salma is now facing Cassie. GUS Salma baby, what does she mean by balance? SALMA DonÕt trouble yourself with it hon. WeÕve already beaten this path to death, and your mind I cannot change. (CONTINUED) 87. CONTINUED: (3) Salma pads Gus on the knees as if he was a child. GUS Why would you want to? DonÕt you like my mind? SALMA I wouldnÕt and I do but, IÕm just saying. Fuck you, you know what weÕre talking about. Gus canÕt help but laugh. GUS Yeah I know, IÕm just shitting on you. But at least now I know what youÕre talking about. ItÕs all that mumbo, jumbo stuff, right? CASSIE I think it hardly constitutes as mumbo, jumbo. Salma places her hand on CassieÕs knee. SALMA Trust me honey. ItÕs a lost cause, this kidÕs an atheist. CASSIE Nuff said. May comes back with a pulled mirror from the bathroom. There are five perfectly cut, perfectly even symmetrically and in content. Perfect quintuplet lines. He sits it in the middle of the table. MAY Voila. Cassie and Jade are both nodding impressed. SALMA Gus was right. You do make the best lines. GUS Ever since high school. I guess some things never change. Huh? Jade hands May a touter from her purse. MAY ThatÕs for damn sure. (CONTINUED) 88. CONTINUED: (4) May takes the touter, handing it to Salma. Salma declines it, offering it Cassie first. Cassie takes it reluctantly. CASSIE You sure? SALMA Honey, youÕve been the most gracious host. ItÕs the least that we can do. Cassie shrugs and smiles. She studies the lines for a while, then nods with admiration and approval. CUT TO: MONTAGE CASSIE does her line. SALMA does her line. JADE does her line. GUS does his line. MAY does his line. BACK TO: INT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - SAME TIME GUS puts his hand on MAYÕS shoulder. GUS So. Big day tomorrow, no? FADE TO: EXT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - LATE NIGHT HUGO drives slowly into a parking spot on the street adjoining with the front of the cafe. HeÕs singing out loud to some song. While parking, he notices a couple of HISPANIC LOOKING GANGSTERS, coming from the opposite direction towards him on his left hand side. He rolls up the driver side window first, leaving the passenger window open for an extra second. From behind his car, on the right hand side, a DARK FIGURE creeps up to the passenger side door. (CONTINUED) 89. CONTINUED: The dark figure pulls out a gun straight to the back of Hugo head at point blank range. He pulls the trigger, splattering HugoÕs brains all over his recently shut window and door. The dark figure is LOCO. LOCO How ya like me now? Puto! Loco opens the driver side door, the two Hispanic looking gangsters pulls HugoÕs lifeless body out of the car. One of them picks his pockets. They both jump in, one in the back one in the driver side. Loco rides shotgun. They drive away laughing. FADE TO: INT. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE CAFE - LATE NIGHT CASSIE, JADE, SALMA, GUS are all sitting on the booth while MAY is facing them on the lone chair. They all have a gloomy look on their faces like somebody just died. May is sitting on the hot chair with his head down and his elbows on his knees. Cassie gets up from her seat, walks to him and stands him up to give him a hug. She hugs him wholeheartedly, he hugs her back the same. Salma follows, as does Gus, Jade just sits there, numb. After a moment of embrace, they give May some space and he prepares himself for the inevitable Q and A session which was coming. GUS DonÕt know what to say bro. Does Deedee know that you have aids? MAY Naw, I just found out myself today. I thought the doctor was gonna tell me that my cholesterol was high or something, I didnÕt expect this from my annual. CASSIE I know itÕs not even close to mean anything, but IÕm really, really sorry. Cassie feels compelled to hugging him again, he smiles when she does. JADE Yeah, IÕm really sorry too. (CONTINUED) 90. CONTINUED: SALMA I think you need to go home and tell her. ItÕs the right thing to do. MAY IÕm just really sorry you guys had to come all the way over here for these news. Gus takes his left arm over MayÕs shoulder. GUS DonÕt fucken say that to me man. CÕmon now. IÕm glad IÕm here, to tell you that IÕm gonna be here for you bro. No matter what. MAY Thanks bro, that means a lot to me. Gus turns his arm over the shoulder into a hug which encumbers both May and Cassie, whoÕs still hugging him. Salma and Jade look on with sad looks on their faces. A SHOTGUN IS HEARD FADE TO: INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - EARLY MORNING SALMA and GUS walk into the house with Gus checking a baggy he just took out of his pocket. The house is spotless, it looks like a brand new place. They both automatically walk to the couch and just slump into it. SALMA Helluva night, no? GUS You telling me. Fuck! IÕm still trying to get a handle on it. I need a drink, you want a drink or a line or something? SALMA No hon. IÕm cool. GUS You sure you cool? CosÕ now that I think about it, you havenÕt done anything since before we left the cafe. (CONTINUED) 91. CONTINUED: SALMA I donÕt know, IÕm just not feeling very lively after everything that happened last night. Gus takes the closes flat surface he can find and pours some of the pink powder he just purchased from someone. GUS I know whatÕs gonna make you feel better. SALMA I donÕt know, I was thinking about quitting for a while, the drugs I mean. IÕm not really feeling them the way I use to. IÕm kinda over them. Gus is already going to work on breaking up the two different piles. GUS Well, if youÕre gonna stop, go out in style. SALMA I donÕt know. GUS At least finish this last batch with me, the guy said it was killer ass shit. Afterward youÕre welcome to become a rehab quitter if so desire. Gus gets close to Salma, kissing her neck softly. She smiles with joy. SALMA Fine, but this is truly the last batch, OK. GUS I swear. (V.O.) Till the next batch. Gus takes out the touter. CUT TO: 92. EXT. ANY STREET IN NYC - DAY DEEDEE and MAY are walking down some anonymous street in one of the five boroughs. She wears her black wedding gown and he wears a white tuxedo. MAY No, no, no, youÕre just one of those typical New Yorkers who hates the Jets and the Mets because you were raised to believe there are only two teams in NYC. DEEDEE ItÕs true, there really are only two teams in NYC. Two that really matter anyway. Jets and Mets are more Jersey than NY. Giants, Yanks all the way baby. MAY You have to admit that weÕve had great teams, if not better teams at times in the last few years. WeÕre forces to be reckoned with. DEEDEE Comparing your teams to my teams is like comparing Kevin Smith to Martin Scorcese. Jersey to NYC? Really? Who you kidding boy? May takes out a joint, he gets it going then hands it to her. MAY I mustÕve been kidding myself when gang green made it to the conference championship not the G- men, right? Deedee looks at May (unbeknownst to him) with the usual condescending look she always has taking the longest drag off a joint ever recorded in history. Deedee kills half the joint with one drag, handing May the roach which is left over. DEEDEE And of course this is all coming from the guy who grew up between the Hamptons and the Jersey shore. MAY At least you know where IÕm coming from. Awight. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 93. CONTINUED: MAY (CONT'D) At least IÕm not from Brooklyn but choose to live in the Billy (mockingly) Burg. Talk about pretentious. DEEDEE Nigga what? MAY You heard me. Spare me with your hipsterator nation. Talk about a place thatÕs too cool for its own fucking good. You could cut the condescending pretentiousness with black painted fingernail. DEEDEE Amen to that. Just cosÕ I live there donÕt mean I represent it. May takes a long drag off the joint. MAY IÕve never been to a restaurant in the city and feel like the server was doing me a favor. Fucking hipsters. DEEDEE Preach on brotha! May takes another long drag off the joint. Holds on to the smoke for half a minute then releases it slowly, playing with the smoke. MAY You know what hipsters are? TheyÕre like wanna be hippies minus the one thing that made hippies, hippies. The love. Deedee laughs. DEEDEE Nigga you wish you lived in the Burg. May hands the joint back to Deedee. MAY Sheeeat, donÕt wish. Live through it baby, you live the most undeserving narcissistic hood in the 5 boroughs. (CONTINUED) 94. CONTINUED: (2) Deedee laughs even louder and harder this time. She takes the joint and looking May dead in the eyes kills what was left of the joint in one long continuous drag until there is nothing but a very small roach which she simply tosses aside. DEEDEE You know baby, I love you despite the fact that you like the Mets and the Jets and not the Giants and the Yanks like a real man. If that ainÕt love then. Deedee looks at May at a loss for words as he kills the roach. DEEDEE (CONTÕD) I donÕt know, I guess what IÕm trying to say is that if I was ever to do this, IÕm glad it was with you. They both look deep into each otherÕs eyes in a loving embrace. MAY Deedee, baby, you fulfill my every void and have done so since we met. IÕm so ready to take the plunge with you, for life without you just wouldnÕt be so. You know? DEEDEE What do you think our friends will say? MAY WeÕre not doing this for them, now are we? DEEDEE No, I guess weÕre really not. Deedee smiles and nods just before kissing her groom to be very passionately. MAY You ready love? DEEDEE As ready as the meaning of the word will allow me to be. (CONTINUED) 95. CONTINUED: (3) Deedee and May both look down at the ground beneath them some 100 feet below, theyÕre ready to jump off to their deaths. BACK TO: INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - EARLY MORNING GUS and SALMA are getting ready to do their last lines. SALMA What the hell is this anyway? GUS I donÕt know, itÕs something new, the guy said. He said not to do a lot at a time, but they always say that, thatÕs like their disclaimer. SALMA I donÕt know Gus. GUS CÕmon, itÕs your last one, right? Lemme be a part of that. Just do this with me and I wonÕt hassle you anymore. Salma gets in position to her line, he follows right along with glee. GUS (CONTÕD) You know? Maybe youÕre right. Maybe IÕll try to quit with you. But then again maybe not. Alright ready? One, two, three. Gus does his line in his usual one swift motion manner, Salma pause before she actually does hers leaving the entire thing on the mirror. GusÕ hands both automatically go to his nose. BACK TO: EXT. ANY STREET IN NYC - DAY MAY and DEEDEE look deeply into each otherÕs eyes. MAY Any last words? (CONTINUED) 96. CONTINUED: DEEDEE See you next lifetime? They both cannot help but laugh out loud for some reason, then May and Deedee jump. INT. SALMAÕS MANHATTAN CONDO - DAY GUS hits the ground shaking violently, bleeding a river from his nose. SALMA tries to stop the bleeding with her shirt. SALMA Gus! Gus! WhatÕs wrong? Help! Help! Guuuuuuuuuuuus!!!!!! FADE TO BLACK. THE END